
Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Tale of Two Pigs...

aka *Farmin with the Carmins*

I started watching this show called "Farmer wants a Wife" or something like that... only - none of the bachelors are Farmers - they are Ranchers and Horse Trainers....which may not make a difference to the rest of the world... but it does to me!!

Farmers grow crops, Ranchers grow animals - and yes you can do both and be both... but!! I have an opinion - and now you know it haha!

All that to say ... in one of the episodes - one of the girls vying for the Farmers heart says to the camera - I am just not seeing any sign of affection - he is not showing me he is interested. This!   After they had been working outside all day, and he helped each girl to the *event* they were supposed to do.


I promptly turned to my husband and said - Thank you for my Pig House - and he laughed. Outward signs of affection for Farmers and Ranchers don't come in the form of flowers very often!! Now check out my super cool piggie house!!!!

That is a sign of pure love for a cattle man!!

Which the timing was awesome - as we got flooded...  (see Lake Carmin there!)

We have done Pigs before - but I have not done them alone - My son raised the last group of pigs and I just did what he said.  Well!! My Little Buddy ( pic below) is an FFA Student and a pig Farmer. For his FFA project he has started up a Pig Feed/Supply Business FTK Feeds ( on Facebook)  I hope that link works!

Anyways - I called him and told him about my pigs and asked him what to add to the feed... So he and his mom came out to talk with me. They also helped me worm them and he educated me more about them.

Ps - Check out what mom is holding... oh ya!! you don't visit here often without seeing something that has to go home with you!!!

Now if you want to know what I am feeding and experimenting with ... you'll have to ask - because I could bore you!

Keeping the Pig Pen dry has been a chore..... but check out their fancy new straw.... they are Happy Pigs!!

and Cam and Mitch got a new friend!! This is Lily!! She is a tiny little calf!! She weighed just under 400 pounds coming to me, so she has some eating to do !!

Cam really feels that he should be a model - so he was posing for you. He wanted you to see him in Black and White -as its his vintage look

My son is home for a bit - and we are working on the roof of our shed... so we were joking that I should start a new series called Farmin' with the Carmins... so here you go - Tales of Two Pigs... might be updating haha!!  ( even tho we consider ourselves ranchers hahahaha!!)

Life here recently is just like this:  *Herding Cats**

My photo proves it can be done!!!

And just so you know - I still have an artsy side... My goal is to add some relaxing walking to my schedule. I thought If I walked and took my camera I could multitask.... Photo 1:

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  1. I love your ranching tales. I grew up on a dairy farm and married a city boy so 43y later we remain on the outskirts of a city. But I farm crops for our table and freezer instead of grass ;-) so I have a taste of country life and boy oh my does it taste good!!!

  2. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Here's hoping for some pig updates to come. And yes, building a pig house is a great sign of affection. I think maybe the gal not seeing that nuance is selecting herself out of the process for the good of all.


  3. So nice to see all of the other hats you wear in this post!!!! It's a full-time job and then some so it is amazing you get so much quilting done, too!

  4. I am so with you that romantic gestures including building things that are needed, fixing things that aren't working, and helping with the dishes/cooking. That means a LOT more to me than jewelry or flowers!

  5. Cam is quite the ham! I think that's a double pun, lol. Nice to see what's new on the ranch. I think I watched that "Farmer" show. It's Australian, right? Some of those girls have no clue, whatsoever. Love the fence photo. I could see that framed and hanging in a house where there's an H surname (which would include me, hee-hee!).

  6. Fun story! I guess I have to live a rancher’s life through your stories as I grew up just outside of a big city! Keep your stories coming!

  7. Oh that Cam, he is a looker!! Love the insight to your life. I could say I want to live on a ranch, but not the dirty side of it. LOL

  8. Oh your pigs are cute. Do I dare ask what happens when they grow up? Or do I just say pass the bacon, please. I’m a suburbs gal for sure.


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