
Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Quilt of Valor Presentation and some changes....

Sometimes you have to get up super early to catch these amazing Veterans.... But man are the smiles worth it!!

I think all of the groups are fun, but this one.... Man were we on a roll - there was a lot of joking, laughter, and many many giggles!  They even picked on me!! of all people haha!

Sometimes being the MC is easy, other times you slip up on your words, and as you know names are hard to pronounce... and  did they give me grief!! it was hilarious!!

Then When I explained that if I can't say the names I give nicknames... they all wanted a nickname - oh boy!! 

This gentleman - he was a Navy Pilot - so we presented him with this quilt - and I told him that since I knew he was a pilot I thought he might need a quilt that gave him accurate directions... so he didn't fly into enemy territory - oh man... did the whole place pick on him ;-)

As you may know I have been a Part of Quilts of Valor since the very beginning. I credit the whole success to me ( snark snark!!)   just kidding... But I have loved every part of it... I have been the coordinator of Colorado for forever ( with maybe a 1  year break)... but... in February I made the hard decision to resign as Coordinator of Colorado and Assistant of Wyoming... to  be just a Group leader.

I was hoping a Praying someone amazing would step up, as I would hate to leave our success in our state to flounder... and this amazing Woman Sandy L stepped into the role - and took off with blazing success... I am excited to see how our state grows under her leadership!!

I remain as a group leader out of Kersey, and we have such a great group -that *leading* it is not as hard as it sounds. My fellow Quilters are amazing and work so hard, and probably don't need me... but you know - its good to feel needed !


  1. What a wonderful time--and I'm glad to hear that you can step back a bit and keep your attentions locally centered now! You've done amazing work!

  2. Thank you for all you do and continue to do for QOV and the veterans. I'm so glad that Sandy L has taken off with blazing success.

  3. I know you have done the right thing for you. Are you still accepting QOVs? I have one just waiting for a label and another one in the piecing stage.

  4. A nice group with beautiful quilts..what could be better?! So glad you had someone ready and willing to step up!!

  5. what an awesome group and what a delight and privilege to be involved in such a worthy cause...hats off to you alycia for your service too!

  6. Sounds like a fun special time with the veterans. Thank you for all you do and have done. Glad a new leader stepped up.

  7. I know how hard it is to step away and how grateful you are to Sandy for volunteering.


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