
Wednesday, April 12, 2023

The Tale of Two pigs ( pt2)

 Good Morning from the Ranch...

Milkshake would like you to know.. that she!! Is just as important as those tiny creatures we all ohhed and awwed over..... she is not a fan of them!!!

But aren't they so cute all snuggled in their straw home!!!

This is what greets me each morning - aren't they so cute!!!
Oh well, and I introduced them to marsh mellows - so you know - they expect one EACH morning, and if I don't bring them one.... they are very vocal about it!!!

Just so you know - Pigs have teeth - so I am very careful as to how I give them their marshmellows!!!

Because we don't really have a permanent pig set up - and we didn't expect the snow and wind to keep coming - even in APRIL!!! Their straw home is temporary.  AS soon as we get consistently warm weather - their real house will be moved in!

So I read them a story - one about all the different kind of pig houses....

 and I am not sure they understood...

Cuz Cam and Mitch - well they huffed and they puffed and they are gnawing their house down!!!

See how they are attacking that bottom bale.... Stinkers!!! ( PS It has been replaced now... I am a great house builder!)

This is Cam eating his Morning Marshmellow.... its a little challenging to hold the marshmellow and the camera !!!

Mitch... oh Mitchy... he has figured out digging in the dirt...

Back to Milkshake.... she is all worn out from watching them... either that or she thinks if she ignored them they will go away!!!

Have a great day!!!!


  1. I didn't know pigs liked marshmallows, but I guess they are known for liking just about any kind of food.

  2. Just too funny -- here's hoping warmer weather arrives sooner instead of later.

  3. Nice beginnings for the piggies! They are very smart animals, I am told!

  4. LOL, poor Milkshake! Sometimes a girl just needs the limelight. And how cute are those snoots!!! I know their snouts, but snoots sounds so much cuter!

  5. Hopefully the weather warms up soon, so your little friends can be out and about and being extra cute.

  6. I love little piggies, these two are adorable. Mustn't forget Milkshake who looks to be a honey.

  7. All those marshmallows will make some sweet meat;)

  8. Lanae5:22 PM

    This is so amazing! I can’t wait to meet the little piggies! Hopefully before they’re meat😂


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