
Wednesday, November 16, 2022

More plaid progress ... and Water....

 There is growth on my design wall!!

it has turned into a game - how small of a crumb I can save ... and my husband just looks at me like I'm crazy.... he knew that when he married me tho - so what's the problem hahah!!!

That purple line - that is denoting what I think the first quilt will be.... maybe - i am sort of playing in the creativity and just letting it take me where it needs to go.....

Water.... oh boy.... remember we are in the country and we have our own well/cistern for water usage. that last couple of months I have thought the water pressure was getting lower, but in the summer we use more water - so its kind of hard to tell if its pressure or the pump trying to keep up....

Until we got home last Monday ( from the wedding you know!!) and the water sort of ....trickled.....

Then I knew something wasn't right  - so I called the well pump guy and he diagnosed a problem. He did an intermediate fix so I wouldn't ( fingers crossed) lose all water - and then yesterday came to replace the parts.

Why is this important? I have a Waterpik Powerpulse Shower head....  and its got great pressure, even with our water failing.... but now... Oh my stars NOW!!! I have full water pressure and I turned the shower on and stepped in... and Holee Cow.... 

I have a shoulder issue and the water pressure helps it a lot - but with real water pressure - it was like a masseuse had worked on my shoulder !!

Too much info I know - but you all need to check this showerhead out - it should be called the Quilters Relief Shower head... you will be able to stitch all day!!!

Back to the Crumbs....

Until Next Time.....

Linking with
Midweek Makers at Quilt Fabrications


  1. Fun design wall! And I’m so glad your issue is solved. It’s so inconvenient to have no water.

  2. The plaid crumbs are looking wonderful and hooray for having full water pressure. Your shower head sounds amazing!!

  3. The crumbs are being joined into loaves...and then a whole bakery window full! lol The shower head sounds wonderful! Glad you can get the water situation fixed and it wasn't a dry well!

  4. Those blocks look like little shop fronts with their windows and doors. LOL

  5. We have sandy land and often used to have sand in the water - those days before we sold all the cows. Anyway, the pressure in the shower was incredible and the sand - well, lets just say we got our skin sandblasted. Very invigorating. when we had water that is. The well often ran dry on thse hot summer days when 120 head of cattle had to have their drinks first. So glad to have lots of water now.

  6. These plaid crum blocks are so much fun!

  7. Great crumb project, how big are those blocks going to grow? Your new shower head sounds like something I should have, I have a permanently torn rotator cuff - main muscle and tendon - so I find the hot water and a good spray of water a real help.

  8. Love the crumb blocks! My Guy just smiles and shakes his head at my quilty stuff, but he has noted that he knows where to find me when I'm not working. Yeah for water pressure! We woke up to no water pressure several weeks ago. That's a very scary thing even for short periods of time.

  9. Yikes -- water issues are rotten. Thank goodness it involved parts not lack of water in the aquifer. Yea for going all crumb crazy. I've started on string quilts but there's always something that grabs my attention, ok squirrels, that draw me away from what I "should" be doing. I'll looking for the finished top soon!


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