
Saturday, October 08, 2022

Last 2022 Knit hats for Operation Christmas Child

 Last year... I learned to make hats...

M  ( the local coordinator) had a goal of 200 hats - and we made it.

For the 2022 year - her goal is 700 and mine was 50...

My FINAL COUNT for the 2022 OCC year....

drum roll please.....


Here are the last 6 I am winging her way!!! ( note - they are Sept RSC colors!!!)

I mentioned it on FB and some other friends got to knitting - they made 75 Just like that!!

Sylvia  sent me 14

and Gloria has 85!! winging my way.... We just may make it to M's Goal!!!


Every time I post photos of the hats.. I get asked what pattern I use... and you all know I am a quilter ...not a knitter, so I never know how exactly to answer - but here is the what I do ;-)

We use these LOOMS:

and I followed this tutorial: Knit hat   and I made mine like this: 

To make the ones with a brim - you stitch 20 rows and fold in half ( back up on the loom) them make 30 more rows

Linking up with:

Rainbow Scrap Challenge at

Off to start on the 2023 goal. My goal for 2023 .... 51 ( one more that last year... cuz that is progress!!!)


  1. Good for you, those hats will be appreciated. How long does it take you to do one hat on those looms?

  2. Congratulations on surpassing your goal! The hats have been beautiful and I love this batch of blue ones!

  3. Great job, Alycia!!! All six are different and neat in their own way!

  4. That is a clever little tool. And what a terrific project.

    I don't knit at all. My grandmother taught me how as a kid, but I just wasn't very good at it and didn't enjoy it. Two of the other girl cousins became very accomplished knitters thanks to grandma.

  5. Congratulations on exceeding your goals!
    I have no idea what that equipment is … it’s a whole new world!

  6. Congratulations on meeting your hat goal and making those hats in the RSC colors.

  7. Aren't those neat?! I didn't know you made them on a loom. Congratulations on exceeding your goal, Alycia!

  8. Thank you so much for this information about loom knitting. I am an avid knitter but I thought loom knitting would be a fun alternative for the grandkids. I’ve taught some to knit but they don’t live nearby for me to help them. This seems easier for 6 and 8 year olds. So I did some research and bought a used set on eBay for the kids. AND, I bought myself one from Cindwood in a fine gauge to try myself. I commend you for your generosity to others! I’m so glad I caught your post today!

  9. So awesome, Alycia!

  10. Awesome and whatever lets you make so many hats is a great tool.

  11. Great work on the hats!


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