
Wednesday, July 06, 2022

Quilts Presentations

I say this a lot - but I love seeing the Quilts that we make bring a Smile to Veterans Faces.

It truly makes my day - and makes it worth it! 

This was a fun group... each one of them was in Vietnam.

Two ( I think) were also in Korea - such a great group

although they were having so much fun... they made me use my horse calling voice 😂🤣

Another fun group - ranged from Desert Storm to Korea

One of the Gentleman had a son who had already received a Quilt so it was really cool to watch the two of them ohh and ahh over Dad's quilt!

For more information about Quilts of Valor


  1. I love these presentations! Our group is presenting a quilt to a female veteran on Saturday. I always enjoy being a part of it.

  2. Love seeing your photos. This is a great cause.

  3. These photos always make my day better. And how sweet that son and dad oohed and ahhed. :)

  4. These posts always make me smile!


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