
Tuesday, May 03, 2022


 Remember our little wine tasting trip?

Well John - Our waiter at the French restaurant... he told us about a secret Redwood grove that we could get to on our way over to the coast.... so you know we HAD to see if we could find it!!

And.... We did!!!


WE got to over a cool bridge - he told us about it - so we knew we were on the right track.....

Ta -da!!

A few years ago we were able to go to the Sequoias - and they were amazing
These are just as amazing in a different way. 
Just stunning to be there

Always - just a little proof we were there. And! it was SO green. If you recall - our place is just brown - and full of drought and this green.... just amazing !

We found a cool hiking trail - the only problem with it... it was uphill... and not just a little uphill - the kind that causes HeartAttacks!! haha - we aren't that far apart - so I tried to take a perspective photo.

As we were hiking back down there was this Green thing that I almost stepped on - and I screamed and then!!!! We saw it was a Banana Slug..... ugh!

But very native to the area.

Check out these trees.
There was a fire there in 2020 and it destroyed a huge grove of them - this one survived.

I just loved being in the forest
Until the little happy kids came - it was extremely quiet 
Almost eerie.
And then the cutest little kids came traipsing in!

We were trying to get us and the trees.... Even as tall as we are... the trees won!

Its so strange that destruction has to happen
so that it can continue to grow!

The guy at the ranger station gave us some other places we should visit..... and so.... we did!!!

See you next time with more ......


  1. Thanks for sharing this - I love seeing your adventures. The hiking trail looks great. LOL on the scream and the banana slug!

  2. I love visiting the redwoods in California - so amazing. We haven't been there in a few years now, and your post makes me want to go! And wine tasting, too - the best fun!

  3. We've seen the Sequoias a couple of times now and they are just so amazingly tall! Unfortunately we've been to quite a few parks in the last several years with fire damage. I know it helps the forest but if only it could be managed better!

  4. Beautiful redwood photos - I saw the ones in Muir Woods (CA) when I was in 8th grade - ENORMOUS and so stately.

  5. Redwoods are such cool trees! You should come to Virginia this month. Everything is so green right now!

  6. what a fantastic vieW! I saw Sequoia and Redwood trees on our honeymoon way back in 1976; I've never forgotten the grandeur!

  7. Everything is hot, brown and dusty here. This morning, I noticed that my laptop was covered with a thin layer of very fine dust. At least, I can feast my eyes on all the cool green you are enjoying - including the banana slug.


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