
Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Road to California quilt block?

 I saw this quilt on Instagram ( Cindys Antique quilts)

She called it a Road to California, but when I google that - its not quite the same block as you find when you google....

However!!! I LOVED THE QUILT she showed... and so

I am making it myself!

Maybe I shall rename it... 

  • "Road to my Colorado home"
  • "icy Roads"
  • "Winter Roads"
hmmm the possibilities!!

These blocks are slow going for me, I am actually using small pieces!!!
But I love how they are turning out!

Linking to:
Midweek Makers  at Quilt Fabrication


  1. I've looked that block up many times as there was a brief glimpse of one on the show "Yellowstone" (my FAVE show!!) and I loved it. But of course now I can't remember the block name. It'll come to me (maybe) HA!

  2. That appears to be a variation on the traditional Jacob's Ladder block.

  3. What a pretty block with your plaids in there, too! I like the name "Icy Roads"!

  4. It looks like Jacob's Ladder except Jacob's Ladder has 4 patches instead of the HST's. It looks very pretty though.

  5. Anonymous9:16 PM


    San / Gypsy Quilter

  6. Barbara Brackman's Encyclopedia does indeed show it as Road to California, along with some other variations, but I think Road to Colorado sounds great!

  7. With slightly different coloring and value placement, your block looks like the "Steps to the Altar" block in Blockbase. However throughout quilting's history, blocks have had many names depending on where they were made, then it can be dubbed "Road to Colorado" too!


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