
Monday, January 24, 2022

Red ( for RSC) Buffalo Plaid aka Gingham

 With my Friends bag of Red Scraps at my feet I made a snap Decision!

In the bag - was a stack of Red and Cream 6 1/2 inch squares.... and I thought - I bet!!

I could make one of those little buffalo plaid/gingham style quilts....and away I went to my design wall!

I laid them all out, did a few repositioning of squares - and Look at that!!
her pieces made a full layout.

It will be about 30 x 42 when it is done....Isn't that just cute?

And then.... I started playing in the rest of the reds - well - these aren't really a bright red , they are a muted red - what is that color called?   I called it antique red?

Linking with:\


  1. Very cool! Even better that you were playing with passed along scraps. I like the design for a simple quilt front or a back. Hmmm, regarding the latter, I plan to do a backing for a red and white quilt made from layer cake squares. Rather than just random scrappy as planned, maybe I'll try doing your Buffalo Plaid-style layout with them.

  2. You are just jumping all over those scraps, good for you! And it will be a sweet little quilt.

  3. Great buffalo plaid quilt. And, bonus -- no cutting! Excellent start. Are there other colors in your friend's scraps? I plowed through my basket of red scraps and decided I am taking scraps too literally. Most were strips from 1" to 3". More string blocks in my future? perhaps.

  4. Just the right size to warm a lap! Nice layout!

  5. Perfect. I think antique red is a great description.

  6. I love how you're giving the basket of scraps a new life. Love this plaid quilt idea.

  7. I love this buffalo plaid idea! Beautiful! My plaids are out and I am trying to use them up, so I Think I will cut some squares and see if I can make a buffalo plaid quilt.

  8. Very cute! All those pretty red and cream squares will make for a pretty little quilt.

  9. Cabernet? Hospice is wonderful and we’ve benefited from their help too. I love making and donating quilts to them.

  10. Great job, Alycia!!! I'm a huge fan of gingham baby quilts!!!


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