
Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Ranch Chores and Horse Selfies

 The wind has been howling here... and the snow just is not falling. But the weeds sure come a rolling across the place... until! They hit my gates and fences and Blech!


We have had many clean up days. Truthfully - I am ready for some snow. (Actually - we NEED some snow - our place is going to dry right up)

We just ended up taking this fence down ,and removing the weeds. I am thinking at Christmas we will string it again - but it was fulllllllll

The first of my Horse Selfies - this little mare is ranch raised and I love her, but she wouldn't pose. and then she tried to nibble my ear... that did not feel good... stinker!

We are super careful when burning and have a water tank on the 4 Wheeler just in case. I also carry wet towels and a couple of Shovels. I have to be honest - I am terrified of fire - so we might be a little extra cautious....  but we burned about 3000 million gatrillion tumbleweeds....

Horse Selfie Number 2 - this is my boy. He was my husbands calf roping horse, and he needs to not run so hard - so his pace fits me!!! well, he still tries to go a little faster than I want when we are competing, but he is learning.

When you have a drought - and you can't bear to get rid of horses ( or my baby calves - that aren't so baby anymore)   you go shopping.....

I kinda think that if we spend that much on hay..... my fabric budget ought to go up right??? haha!

( don't tell my husband I said that!!)


  1. It's probably like if you spend that much on hay there's nothing left for the fabric, right? LOL And I think your girlie horse was just admiring your attire.

  2. I am SO laughing at your "3000 million gatrillion" tumbleweeds - what a mental image! I, too, am pretty darn scared of fire so I'm glad you are being careful!

  3. Sorry the cost of hay is going so high....hoping you will recoup it at the other end.

  4. Makes me miss my horse days. Got my first in seventh grade and sold my last at 55. There was a big break in the middle though for a career in education. All of my horses were city horses. It would have been a dream to live in the country. The closest I came is having my horse move to my grandparent's acre in central California where I could visit on holidays and in the summer. We saw horses on the trails in Catalina State Parks. They have stalls and special camping areas for horse campers. The most interesting was a Gypsy Vanner horse. I'd never heard of that breed before. - Margy

  5. I can't imagine knowing that the animals are depending on me to get hay and feed them- a heavy responsibility! The scenery is breathtaking!

  6. Is that green stuff on the trailer imported from the Pacific NW? I hear 'we' are shipping to different places these days.

    My first thought was burn the weed piles, then howling wind and dry surroundings were my second thoughts. Glad you figured out how to do it safely. Fire can be terrifying no doubt.

    Are all the 'Bits' coming home for Christmas?

  7. We had a couple of years (when we still farmed) when we had to buy hay to get the cattle through the winters. A big expense, but so is rebuilding a herd. And we had a couple of years when we sold extra hay to farmers needing hay. Too bad those tumbleweeds have no nutritional value.

  8. The horse selfies are wonderful....and those tumbleweeds do tumble through! I love the idea of spending for fabric being related to how much you spend on hay...go for it...I won't tell.


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