
Monday, June 07, 2021

Positivity Blocks, a Gingham top and Scrap Blocks

 This weekend was Cr-azy!!!!  we had Heat and a huge thunderstorm, and about 17 inches of rain ... okay kidding - but there was a ALOT of rain, Hail and strong winds  - so you know when storms happen - I get no stitching done.

I am too busy watching the rain - and of course the lightening. Some of the lightening was hitting at the same time it was thundering. My dog and I cuddled.   and we watch for where the lightening hit... No fires ( shew!!!)

Positivity is growing!! And I decided to cut 10 more out, I had been doing them 2 blocks at a time. So now I am prepped for the week? Month? All the info and the pattern for Positivity can be found here:

Sew Preeti;s Positivity QAL

Got my Little Gingham Top Done - I think mine is 50 x 58 . 

and!!! My scrappy Leader Ender Blocks have grown into this:

Not sure if I will make more - or just start adding corners??? Who knows - we will see where the happy leads today ;-)

Quilt away!!!!

Linking up with:

Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts


  1. Nice start on the Positivity QAL, Alycia! A completed quilt top, too? You may have passed me on you Leader/Ender. I think I have two blocks needing a few more strips. Haven't touched it in weeks! :o((

  2. You certainly did make a lot of progress. I have been longarm quilting like crazy trying to keep up with requests, so very little piecing going on and I love to piece. Love what you shown.

  3. Nice to see your work in progress, too, and not just the finished ones! I like the gingham one-very ingenious! Glad the much needed rain didn't result in damaging fires.

  4. Oh Alicia! You’re another one I lost when I inadvertently deleted my entire blog list last year. I’m glad I found you again and have added you to my list. Now I need to go back through allyour posts and see what you’ve been up to! Meanwhile I’m liking your cross quilt, and love the gingham one.

  5. I did a bunch of plus blocks quite some time ago and they are all together and in a pile somewhere for donation. They are nice and quick! Love your gingham, so cute! Geez we've had rain out the wazoo and last night was lightning and thundering here. Rain gauge showed 1 1/2" this time (more to come).

  6. Your projects are looking fab.

  7. Heavy thunderstorms are never fun. Almost every summer it hit trees, electric fence etc at my ex-farm in Norway. The worst; it hit an old neighbor house and it burnt down. You've been busy! 'Positivity' looks like a fun quilt to do, I may join. Love your gingham top and the leader & ender blocks are beautiful blues.

  8. Did you take any storm pictures? We had that weather last week, and now we are back to shivering. Bah humbug! I feel better when it is warm.

    I'm thinkin' your plaid bins must be a little low.

  9. I am liking your scrappy leader/ender blocks. What size square did you start with?? What color will you do your setting triangles in?

  10. You’ve got blue happening there! Great projects all! I want to do a gingham quilt, so bad!

  11. Hi Alycia! I'm so glad that tornado stayed far enough away from you. I saw on the news that it was a ground-sprout tornado (instead of a water-sprout). Very unusual. Wow! You sure got that gingham quilt top together quickly. I almost missed the inspiration - I need to make my own NOW. And I adore your Positivity blocks. They look great. ~smile~ Roseanne

  12. Your are way ahead of me on the positivity blocks. I decided I wanted to use just greens for the + signs and a variety of lights for the background. 2 are done, 6 or so backgrounds are cut out. But I'm all into my shiny new ombre fabric Confetti. I need to prep a bunch of both to take to the sewing group tomorrow. Take care. I bet California would love your rainy weather.

  13. All three projects are coming together beautifully. That gingham top is really nice.

  14. Your gingham quilt is charming! I'm also loving the floor under it...what is that? So rustic & pretty!

  15. I remember that you have a great vantage point for watching storms! Chris was so jealous.

  16. Lovely blocks Alycia. I like where you are headed on the positivity blocks.

  17. Your pos quilt is going to be great! :o)

  18. So many pretty blues in your batch of quilts! I'm really enjoying seeing everyone's plus blocks. I feel for you with the weather. We spent an hour in the basement last night during a tornado warning. And me with no hand work to keep myself occupied while I wondered if my sewing machines would make it through a tornado. Priorities.

  19. All sorts of progress being made at Alycia's house! Love the progress on your plus blocks. Lovely colors too. That gingham quilt is the best. I have three fabrics picked out for one - I have been wanting to make it for a long while. I know it will be so cute and will be a quick project too. Every time I see one, I just love it.


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