
Monday, May 24, 2021

Just Stuff

 This is Mare...  early in the morning... Very early - and she decided that she did not want to be caught, brushed or ridden, so she gave me the Evil Eye..... But I won her over, sorta , and got her caught....

Momma Cow - again - with the evil eye - what is that all about? 
Okay - not really the evil eye, she was telling me that if I gave her grain she would be nice.

But that was after she tormented me, and showed me who was queen of the hill. Which by the way - having a cow taller than you - its quite a creepy feeling!!!

And it is BABY time!!! The Babies are a coming!!! I need to get my big happy camera out and let you see these little cuties!!

And just to prove that I have cooked a few meals - Ranch Raised Burgers with Zucchini Fries!!

The winner of my little fabric giveaway on Monday is The Modern Diary Andee - Andee get me your address and this will head your way!! 


  1. Cute pony. Yes, they sometimes don't want us to bother them.

  2. Your animals sure have personality! Dinner looked good, too!

  3. I just love springtime, with all the babies! Hey, when is dinner...looks amazing!

  4. Meal looks great! I can't imagine dealing with those big animals. I have always been respectful of horses. When they look at me, it looks like they are just tolerating me and could squish me if they wanted. We have a big county fair and the big animal buildings bring out my caution sense.

  5. Those zucchini fries look delicious, Alycia!!

  6. Well, when you brought those 'bits' -- little, middle and big -- home from the hospital, did you want to share?

    The way the wind has been blowing around here the last couple of days, that next tumbleweed through your yard will just be me!

    Take care.

  7. Just sent it, whoot! Thanks!

  8. Yes, please share baby pictures!I love seeing cow babies, especially horse babies, and even antelope and bunny babies!

  9. zucchini fries... yum
    yea for babies...
    the horse and cow, like me right now, just want to be free and smell the summer a coming


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