
Thursday, March 18, 2021

Patterns and Supplies

 I may have mentioned about Thanksgiving that my Iron was starting to spit, and maybe... I should think of getting a new one.  And then life went on and I forgot about it, and about two weeks ago I was delivering Beef in the Denver area. I mentioned to my husband that I might just run in and see if I could find an Iron I liked.

He said "Why don't you want till the weekend and I'll go with you? Plus I could use some help feeding tonite". and because I really don't like to shop all that much I said  okay!

And then I forgot about maybe getting a new iron. 

Then the UPS guy showed up (Pre snow storm) and there was a box, and Husband got really excited and he opened it for me and Look!!

My Very Own Oliso Iron!! and ( now don't laugh) He got me the Professional Version!
I can steam things too!! I love it!!! oh - and you can leave it in the iron position and it pops up when not in use!

I asked him how he learned about it - and he said... I was watching your quilting show with you on you tube and that lady had one, and I figured - my Quiltygirl needed one too ( awwww)

Now Patterns!
I have to thank all of you who have been sharing this pattern in my Etsy store -
It has become a big hit!!

if you are looking for another Patriotic pattern to make - this one is a fun one
and if you are the ones who have been sharing it - THANK YOU!

Stars a Waving Pattern

I sure appreciate the support!   

Off to Make sure I have something Finished for Finished or Not Friday!!

Find me at all these places:

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  1. Congratulations on the Oliso - that is the same on I have! I love the pop-up feature plus it stays hot longer than any other I've had. What a clever and thoughtful husband!

  2. Make sure your husband keeps the receipt for the iron. I bought an Oliso iron at one of the big sewing expos and it died in a year. At lot of money to pay for an iron that doesn't hold up. I managed somehow to get a replacement and it only lasted a year. I am not trying to be a Debbie Downer, just a realist.

  3. A guy after my heart!!! What a sweet hubby you have!!!

  4. well wasn't that sweet of your guy! it looks like a nice iron. let us know how satisfied you are with it. I always hear such mixed reviews on the "good" irons some say they are worth the price and others say after a short while they are not satisfied with them either. I dropped my tiny one that I kept in the sewing room to use one too many times and it quite working so now one of the inexpensive irons resides in the sewing room (I have 2 cheap ones)

  5. I have had Stars-a-Waving on my list for a while; Must get to it! Love the checkerboard stars. I'm always waiting for just the right fabrics to make them shine.

  6. OMG!! Does you husband have a clone? I need a husband like that!!! LOL.

  7. What a sweet thing for your husband to do. I bet everyone of your blog readers swooned a little as they read about his thoughtful purchase. As if watching a quilting show with you wasn't enough, he even remembered what kind of iron to buy. He's a keeper.

  8. Oh how sweet! Mine surprised me with shotgun shells today.😆

  9. Way to go, Wrangler Man!!

  10. Awesome surprise and gift! I would still ask about going shopping :) LOL

  11. What a thoughtful husband. I just replaced my iron after it died at a retreat a couple of weeks ago. The jury is still out on whether I like it or not. LOL

  12. Enjoy the new iron. That husband is a keeper. ☺

  13. I love my Olisio! It’s 6 years old! Oh, BTW, your husband is indeed a keeper!

  14. What a great guy! Enjoy your new iron!

  15. That hubby is a keeper. Enjoy your new iron.

  16. Wow, that iron is a super gift! Good for you! The new quilt is beautiful!


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