
Wednesday, December 09, 2020

Happy Half Square Block Twenty Five


Happy Half Square Block Twenty Five

I used a really fun paisley on this one.
At first I thought I looked a little like a spool..

and then Kat did her magic!!
On Point with no cornere

Just a straight Set

OnPoint with Sashing

And then every other one twisted!
Weedy Mama...
What does this one make you see???

Oh and here is my Drawing of it
just so you can see the Half squares easier.

and then just for fun:
You could alternate colors!

I think this one might be a fun one to just play with and use as a Leader/Ender project!


  1. I'm always fascinated when the spools jump out from this HST arrangement. Thanks to you and Kat for exploring the possibilities!

  2. Those first few mock-ups really dance before your eyes! Nice arrangement!

  3. Fun! It's always entertaining to see how much difference happens from one block with different settings. I didn't see the hourglass in them at all until the on-point sashing option, and then they totally jumped out at me.

  4. So much fun to mix blocks around and come with lots of fun possibilities.

  5. Anonymous9:45 AM

    So much potential in these designs...... Pinning!


  6. O's, lots of O's. Cheerios?

    In my opinion, I would use three colors in one block.

    You are so prolific.

  7. A very versatile block. My favorite has the every other one twisted. Will you finish your exploration of HSTs this year or will it continue into 2021.


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