
Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Happy Half Square Block 26

 Happy Half Square Block 26

I am feeling like these are fun little breaks from the End of the Year Fun. 

Isn't this fun?
It kinda makes me think of a diamond...
Maybe its just the fabric?

Of course - using leftovers reminds me of other projects!
This fabric is left overs of the backing I used on my Kevin the Quilter Mystery

Kat did her amazing Mock ups!
Here it is on point!

Straight with Sashings

On Point with Sashings

and just plain ol' Straight

Alright  - Get back to stitching!!!


  1. Very pretty block!! I have some all cut out but not sew yet.

  2. Oh, how classy in the black/white! I like the first layout!

  3. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Fabulous block! And so versatile.


  4. Wow---that is a very pretty block--especially set on point---done with the outside triangles in blue and the inside in red...a great QOV.

  5. i have the first nine blocks finished, #10 is by machine to stitch together (hst already made). have a bunch of squares cut, ready to be paired for hst. slow but i'm hsving fun with it. i am using the 5" squares like you did. no pictures taken yet. patti in florida

  6. HSTs are so versatile, wish I didn't hate trimming them so much! Very fun block. I like the first mock up the most, with the third block setting running a close second.


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