
Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Happy Half Square Block EIGHTEEN

 Surprise - my 18 is completely done this time!! haha!!

Welcome to:

Happy Half Square Block EIGHTEEN

Isn't this one fun?

and here is your drawing for it!

I sent it to Kat ( ) and she did her magic - and now I have another one I want to make THE WHOLE QUILT of!!!

It's this one!! I want to make THIS one!!!

DO you have a Favorite??


  1. So cool to see the blocks morph into tops--the design really changes! I like #3 and #4!

  2. OMG I didn’t need another project! These are awesome.

  3. Your block is pressed so perfectly! Mine don't turn out like that but I cant use steam either. Is that the secret?

  4. Love these but number 1 or 3, both have so much movement. Thanks for the inspiration!

  5. I like the top one too! My nephew goes to Xavier and the block turned on it side looks like an X! I may need to make this for him! Thank you!

  6. Wow!! Thank you to Kat, as I never would have guessed how different the repeating blocks could look!!

  7. I like #3 best! Wonder how that would look scrappy??

  8. Oh, I love the first one!

  9. Put me down for #3. I must be a frustrated ballet dancer. I see alternating (dancing?) pinwheels.


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