
Monday, August 17, 2020

The horses... and the babies

 After our hike up to the high country - we headed down to see the babies!!

My Family has a cool Horse program and they breed, train and sell some amazing horses. I have showed you some photos in the past of my Nephews working them, or us , roping on them or something... 

Usually this time of year they are preparing for the Come to the Source Horse sale, but of course, the You Know, changed all that.  So this year they are offering private sales, but I still needed to see all the babies!!

Are you ready? 

I mean - the cute overload might just get you....

or maybe even put a smile on your face.... are you prepared ??

This little baby thinks he can escape and open gates, which is kinda funny - cuz My mare has figured it out, so I see this one escaping in the future!

We headed out to one of the pastures with a few mares and babies.
you can tell they were really concerned with us right?

These babies are so friendly... they followed us around, and they weren't to sure what to make of the sound of my camera!!

I told him a joke.....

My Little bit - animals just love him... isn't this sweet?  I think she was wondering if maybe, just maybe he had a little grain behind his ear?

And the Man.... he always knows how to get the babes ( ha ha) to come to him!!

I just Love seeing the babies, and watching how they grow. They are just so cute and because they work so hard with them to train them ... they are super friendly!  

This year - they even created a Website so you can see more of the horses-


  1. Wow! Little Bit looks so grown up with his new haircut!! Thanks for the baby photos, Alycia.

  2. Who can resist a foal?! Their muzzles are the softest on earth....
    Glad you had a great visit and thanks for sharing it with us!

  3. So so sweet! That was fun to see the babies!

  4. What darling babies! Nothing better than baby horses!

  5. What gorgeous photos! I am not a horse person (they scare me), but I love these babies!

  6. Oh they're all so PRETTY!! Are they near where you live? My cat could open the doors in our house and get the screen off the window..too smart for his own good!!

  7. Thanks for the feel good moments! They are precious.

  8. You were right - these photos brought a smile to my face. We had a horse (decades ago) who could open most any latch. She was just too clever.

  9. Definitely brought a smile. Unfortunately photos is as close as I get to a horse, I'm really, really, really allergic to them. But they are such beautiful creatures.

  10. Horses and cats are my favorite animals. Thanks for sharing.


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