
Monday, May 18, 2020

Online Shopping

How many of you are in love with Online Shopping?

I wonder if you have online shopped for what I online shopped for?

Things sure have changed in our Ag industry - and the days I used to spend at the sale barn have really changed - so ..... I did the Online option.....

Ta da!! My most recent Online purchase!!  She doesn't have a name yet - I am just getting to know her. But - I usually go to the sale barns, Walk through the cattle pens, choose the lots I think I might like. Then when they come into the sale ring I can judge their temperament, the way they try to attack ( or not) the ring masters..... 

Online that's a little different. But I tried to assess everything just by watching her on a video - and I think We did alright!  She's a little skittish - but she's not very old, and ran with a large group... so she is getting to know her knew pasture-mates...

although I will tell you when I brought the horses in to the other corrals her nose went up and her eyes got big - I am sure she thought they were her brothers from another mother!!

Course the horses didn't think much of her at all!!

Have a great day!!


  1. I have been on line shopping more and more as the years past because in my opinion the stores suck big time! of course I do live in the country by small towns that have little variety and I do not like to go to Little Rock all that much anymore. I order through amazon for anything from air filters for the A/C to face lotion and coffee pods. I order all of my sewing supplies on line from a various amount of places and yarn too. In fact about the only local store I go into are grocery stores and occasionally Hobby Lobby and Lowe's. I'm just not a shopper and have been glad that there is so much available on line.

  2. Oh gosh, yes, WAY too much online shopping!! Especially fabric which I DID NOT NEED!! I can't imagine buying a cow or any other live animals..YIKES! Amazon makes things too easy but I don't like them (or actually the head dude) so I really try to limit my buying there and refuse to be a prime member. So how was she delivered?

  3. LOL!! What a changing world we live in, Alycia. Hoping Cow gets used to her new surrounding soon!

  4. Wow - DH threatened to buy our last big appliance online but we found one locally (in the days before shopping in person restrictions). Good luck with your new little lady - hope she gets a cool name.

  5. You could name her Linney (or O'Liney) On Line, get it? LOL

    How much does a calf cost? Just wondering...

  6. I cannot even imaging online shopping for a cow!!!! How does that even work?

  7. Oh, you had me going. I thought you were going to talk about fabric shopping. An animal? Wow, never knew you could buy one online. What till I share this with my grandson, he will get a kick out of it as he loves animals. In an urban area, I don't see myself having to worry about the things you are.

  8. Now that is pretty cool! She looks sweet! Good for you!

  9. She so cute, I’m a pushover for young animals! I’m a city girl even though I live ranch (and oil/coal) country!

  10. She looks sweet; what a different world we're all adapting to...

  11. Great purchase, but the shipping must have been outrageous! :)

  12. My grandfather had a herd of cows. We'd name them, then a few years later, we'd eat them. She's a cutie.

  13. Anonymous4:06 PM

    I can't imagine buying a large animal online and figuring out how it will be delivered. When I worked at the post office, I remember before Easter, the shipments of chickies and duckies and little rabbits. Those were noisy nights at work.
    Thanks for sharing.

  14. I didn't think you meant the gate! My, oh, my ... what's next? Elephants?

  15. I can honestly say I have not purchased cattle online. LOL Have fun.

  16. I can understand the allure of the online shopping here. But I'm wondering about what your delivery choices were? Next day was probably not an option?


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