
Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Fencing... and Fencing and... more fencing

One of the things that we are all getting proficient at is.... Fencing....

as in building - or rebuilding... or replacing fencelines....

It never fails - you think you have everything all fixed the way you want it... and Bam!

A fire burns some of it, or an animal goes through it.... or.... your wife ( oh wait! That's me!!) wants a new line to help divide a pasture.....

Anyways... Repairing Fences with adult children is way different that fencing with small children... its way less work (for me) and more photo time ( for me) ! I didn't ask them how they felt about it. haha!

Plus - they know what they are doing, and are a lot stronger.. who would I be to deny them the opportunity to prove their abilities??!!

And to be honest - this view was what we really all needed! Its quite peaceful out here and the mountains were pretty crisp. It was also cool enough for me to wear a sweatshirt... my favorite kind of weather!

The little baby was keeping an eye on us!

Had a bit of a Flyover...
( wish I could have gotten a clearer and closer shot... this was zoomed pretty good)

And then!! The antelope came running.... We love antelope - but they are VERY hard on fencelines!
They don't like to go over the fences - they like to go under.... and YAY me!! I had just cleaned the Unders out....

So when he got to the fence.... he wasn't going to tear it up!  ( don't look at the other line - I hadn't gotten to it yet!)

We figured it would probably take us 3 hours to fix what we fixed.... so 5 hours later.... we were ready to saddle up and start the second phase of our day.... ha ha ha!

Linking to:
My Corner of the World


  1. I love seeing antelope when we go out west but I have never seen one go under a fence but hopping over them. Where did you say you live - cool enough for a sweat shirt! I love that kind of weather

  2. That is such a beautiful view you shared with us! Peaceful skies over a mighty mountain! Love that cute cow and deer!

  3. That's quite a view. Isn't that what children are for??? ha ha ha ha

  4. One day last week our eagle was being harrassed by what I assumed were crows, but could have been eaglets? What a ruckus!

  5. Ranches look like a romantic life until you realize all of the work, work, work. We had a small farm and it didn't matter that you didn't feel like going to the barn to care for all of the animals in winter time--it had to be done so you did it. Good lessons there--great for character building! lol
    Great photo of the eagle!

  6. I didn't know antelope go under fences!! Glad we only deal with mule and white tail deer, they happily sail over! Love your view!!

  7. What a unique way to spend time together! I have to say the views are remarkable!

    Your link is a great addition to 'My Corner of the World' this week!

  8. that mountain view is so appealing - lovely blue skies

  9. What a day, Alycia!! I had a day, too. You need to email me about it because it involves YOU!

  10. Love the photos you shared with us! The views are stunning!

  11. We don't have fencing at our place, but there are chores that keep coming back, especially managing firewood. - Margy

  12. Where the deer and the antelope play! You are blessed, thanks for taking us on a ranch tour; absolutely glorious scenery! You need to make a Rail Fence quilt-- nah, maybe not! ;)

  13. Beautiful view, but I'll pass on the fence building! LOL

  14. What fabulous views!

  15. Sounds like a lot of work. So glad you had helpers.


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