
Sunday, December 01, 2019

An Eagle Panel Top

I LOVE eagles... and I might have purchased a few panels with them on it....
But I am not always quick at using panels - which is kinda dumb - they make an excellent start on a Quilt of Valor.... Sigh.... I am slow to learn sometimes...

So this is where I am on this panel.... It just needs the final borders!!

I have the side borders laying next to it, and the same fabric will be the top and bottom borders too

A few of you had asked how I would make this one
So I put a 2 1/2 inch gold border
then made the piano Keys 
They were supposed to be 10 inches wide....
and then I put another 2 1/2 inch gold
and then the Navy Stars will be the last
and it will finish at 60 x 80

 This last week we had TWO major blizzards that shut our state down, this photo is not that.

but it is sorta how we felt - like wave after wave of snow coming while we were trying to out run it!

 Monday last week I moved all the Momma Cows to a close up with a barn pasture - and we were so glad we did. ( I would love to tell you I am psychic.... but that might be stretching it!)( and PS Thanks to BETH!! for telling my my physic was ummmm bad!! ha haha )  and Monday night by 7 pm all the roads were closed, and the pastures were getting snow!!

Tuesday everyone was at home ... our road was closed all day!
and Friday Morning another storm hit - and by Friday night.... all roads were closed again... so crazy!!

I really like days like that.... when no one needs to get anywhere! I like having PJ days ( sorta - we just layer up the coveralls over them haha)

Now the Thanksgiving holiday is over... back to work!

Linking to :
Oh! Scrap
Design Wall Monday
What I Made Monday
Mid Week Makers


  1. That panel quilt is coming together nicely, Alycia! Stay warm, friend. I can imagine that it's sNOw fun taking care of animals in a blizzard!!

  2. I need to consider using panels. You are making this one really special.

  3. Oh, Alycia, you gave me a chuckle tonight. Are you really physic (given for constipation) or psychic?
    Becky in KCMO

  4. Thanks for sharing the dimensions of inner and piano key borders! Before I scrolled down, I was trying to figure it out. lol Stay safe in your storm.

  5. Thanks for sharing your panel project! I have one in a tote, waiting to be set free! Hoping to make a QOV for our son! He’s in Phoenix, so that will take some coordination!

  6. I have a few panels that I'd love to get into quilts..just always a puzzlement as to how to use them (it shouldn't be that hard). The blizzards sound horrible, way too cold for me. I was sailing the southern Caribbean while you were snowed in--WHEW!!

  7. The poor cows! Is there enough hay to get them through? Is there enough in the pantry to get you through?

  8. I liked it when we got snowed in while in NY but only when you didn't have to go anywhere! Our barn animals still needed attention so it was a brutal visit out to them several times a day , though!
    Nice eagle quilt-those panel quilts try to stump me! lol

  9. I wouldn't want to be outside taking care of animals when it is snowing hard but I know a lot of people have to - I'd rather be inside watching out from the window! nice eagle quilt

  10. The panel quilt will be beautiful. There have been so many pretty patriotic panels available this year. Probably thanks to the Quilts of Valor movement. Our local QOV group has done 2 panel quilts so far, and 6 pieced ones.

  11. Yikes! snowagedan. Or at least that's what the tv heads say when we get 10" or so of snow. So hopefully you had power throughout the bad weather. And sewed up a storm.

  12. I've used PJ's as a base layer to go out and chop a hole in the water trough (with an ax) for the horses!! I also love being snowed in. We've had a bit of snow here, but not enough to close anything.

  13. Love your panel quilt...they are a great start to any quilt, for sure!!! I meant to say that in my other comment but I got sidetracked by the PJ's and snow!!

  14. love that panel,,,and i thought i was the only one that wheres pj under coveralls, lol,,,,,,loveit


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