
Monday, October 07, 2019

One of these things is Not like the other......

Hmmmmm.... Do I look like I should be really really really busy??? Ha ha!!

At least I am having fun right?
( On the left - Urban Log Cabins Pattern by Terry Atkinson - in Kaffe Fasset prints)
( on the right - Panels from Equilter . com .. next in line )

And a quick trip up the mountains...

Linking to:
Design Wall Monday
Moving it Forward
monday Making


  1. Pretty trees. It's almost time for some snow, isn't it.

  2. I think if I lived where you do, I would just paint all the time and never get anything else done.

  3. Can’t wait to see how the square panel turns out! I haven’t bought any of the square panels because I have no idea how to use it hem! Could you hurry up and finish that one first! Ha!

  4. Urban Log Cabins? I'll have to remember that one!!

  5. Nice projects you've got going, and I can't blame you for a beautiful distraction.


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