
Wednesday, October 02, 2019

Mystery A9 - LONE RIDER - Clue #5

Mystery A9 – Lone Rider
Clue #5

You have a total of 80 blocks now…. So today! It’s the LAYOUT…well and then the stitching of the top!!

But …. It’s the Finale – Whoop Whoop!

If you like to make things by Rows – Which I do – You will make THREE of the Rows above

And TWO of the Rows below

And then!! Because you don’t want another clue!!

Put that baby Together!!!
Here is your final Layout!!

 This clue took me right at 2 hours, BUT! I know that you all can stitch it faster – I might have been making brownies too!

And Surprise! It finished at 64 inches by 80 Inches – YAY!!

Here is your link to the PDF :  Lone Rider Clue #5 PDF

And don't forget - if you get it done ( or almost done) by Friday come back and Link up to

Finished or Not Finished Friday!!


  1. Alycia, it is gorgeous!!! Love it. As soon as our guild quilt show is done (Sat.), I want to do this. Congratulations!

  2. The quilt looks great! Love your tans against the red and blue! I need to think outside the box and not use white fabric every time!

  3. great quilt and thanks for the instructions


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