
Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Scrappy- ness

I keep a tote of scraps right next to my machine, and when I am cutting scraps I feed the tub.... they are all widths - and approximately 10 1/2 inches long....

We had a little sewing retreat this weekend and I finished all my planned projects - so - yay me, I had taken my scrap tote!

and it was awesome - I could stitch away and listen to all the conversations and not have to concentrate.... and ta da!

50 scrappy 9 1/2 inch blocks!! Whoot Whoot - I am so happy - my light pile was completely used up!

The next day was Fathers day - we headed out to the golf course... got 3 holes in an immediately got drenched, hung out in the gazebo for a break in the rain, and got a rain check for another day!!

The best laid plans - right?   Weather wins.

Oh and ps - we didn't mind getting wet - it was the extreme lightening that scared us - and the Very extremely loud thunder!


  1. Umm, Alycia?? Don't you know you're not supposed to plan a golf outing when the weatherman is predicting a chance of storms?! Glad you all were safe!! (Cute selfie, Little Bit!)

  2. It's been hard to avoid the rain around here, lately, hasn't it?! I love your idea to stitch up those scrappy strips whenever you have some time. They could come in handy in all kinds of projects!

  3. Living on the edge!

    But I want to know how you emptied a tote - I never seem to get there! Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!


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