
Saturday, June 15, 2019

Photo Challenge: NightTime Photography

Night Photography:
I live in the country where oil and gas seems to abound. On our east property line they have been drilling natural gas wells for about 6 months now. Living in the country it is relatively dark.... except for this... Out my bedroom window. 
I didn't know if I could capture the intensity of the lighting, and the way it blares into our house - but I think I might have!

and another one just for good measure!

PS - just in case you were wondering.... this is about 3/4 of  mile away from my house....


  1. Two words. Blackout blinds!!!

  2. Egads - I would not be happy about this, even though I might not have a vote in the matter.

  3. That's gotta be SO ANNOYING!! Living in peace and quiet then they show up! Hopefully when they're done with the drilling, it'll be more peaceful once again. I never did get the hang of good night photos but you did!

  4. Looks like the city came to you :(

  5. That is horrific!!! I would have to move to the opposite side of the house, even if it meant sleeping in the kitchen!! Ugh, definitely not what you want to have to look at or have the light pollution at night!

  6. A common sight here in NE Wyoming. Hoping the drilling will soon be over and you’ll have your normal night sky back!
    I did have to put black out curtains on our bedroom window! The church building next door, was sold and is now a small convention center. More accurately a meeting place, but they have installed security lights all around and one is just across from our bedroom window!


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