
Friday, May 03, 2019

Flags for Sue

I am working my way through the Quilts of Valor called Flags for Sue!
They are so awesome and each time I work on a quilt I am reminded of her, and how much you all helped us honor her work with QOV - in making these Flags.

This one was put together by Charlene
and I quilted it

Another finish
These were blocks made by lots of people
I called it the Zig Zag Rail Block
and I designed it
the free pattern is here:

and I used this macaroni looking design
I thought it was fun!


  1. Do you have a count of how many Flags for Sue quilts have been finished or will be finished once they are all complete?

  2. Two more awesome quilts, Alycia!! When will you make the next quilt for YOU???

  3. The Flags for Sue quilts have been fun to see come together. You've been busy quilting and moving projects to the finish line. That has to feel good.


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