
Monday, March 11, 2019

What a weekend!!!

I made cookies!
We were all supposed to be cleaning and doing the weekend chores, 
but the chocolate chips kept yelling at me... i had to do something about it!!

and so 
Gluten Free
Chocolate Chip cookies
and Proof that they existed

I am a huge supporter of Quilts of Valor
but you do know there are a few other places out there needing quilts right?
Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict  host Hands 2 Help
and this  year she has 5 groups needing quilts

The one that touched me the most is Jacks Basket
I have no idea why, it just did - so I ran to my quilting room and
dug out these tops

I think they will fit the bill
they are about 40 x 50 each

Now on to quilting

and then I got the borders on this top from our Guild Mystery Day
It needs a back and then its ready to quilt

and this Plaid Churn Dash quilt is back up on the design wall
I actually got all the rows Stitched into rows
Now its on to rowing?

and my Disappearing 9 patch blocks are growing
I use them as Leader/Enders
( Mt grandma had a different term - but its all good!)

You know with this many blocks
I had a good weekend quilting right?

I had better get myself to the quilting machine to start finishing these tops!

and any ideas on how to quilt the Plaid Churn Dash?
it's boggling the brain at the moment!


  1. You did have a busy weekend! I love that pink and green quilt top; perfect for a little girl!

  2. Thanks for the info on the other places to donate quilts! Jack's Basket really spoke to me as well!! These were the kids that I taught before I retired and they will always hold a special place in my heart.

  3. So many lovely quilts here to be seen. How wonderful of you to stitch pretties for so many good causes. I am not at all surprised those chocolate chip cookies disappeared.

  4. Quilting your choose dash is a big dilemma! I haven't a clue! Usually I wait for a quilt to speak to me, but then again that is why I have so many UFO's! Thanks for posting the link to the Hands2Help! I am joining in.

  5. You were a busy girl! I absolutely love that churn dash!

  6. You've got some fun projects in the works. Hope you got lots of quilting time this week.

  7. I'm late catching up but noticed something about those churn dashes. If you look at just the plaid background there are interesting little blocks that are almost the same size. Find a background motif for them and there's not a whole lot of quilting left to fret over. (But you are so dedicated that you've probably already finished the quilt.)


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