
Friday, November 09, 2018

It's Friday Friday Friday

and I don't have a finish.... but I have a start.... well I may have 3 or 4 starts - but I am only going to show you one... so I don't look so crazy!!

I might have been perusing other blogs.... especially Mary Quilts blog and she had the COOLEST antique quilt on there!

Isn't that neat?  The Block is called Fox and Geese - and I loved it! 

so look what jumped up on my cutting table!

I used 5 inch squares for the half squares, and 2 1/2 inch strips for the opposite blocks - and of course it is not quite perfect, but this was my test block to see if my measurements would work.... and I think they do.... its just me....

SO!! I am on a mission to use up some pieces of my replicate this quilt...

AND!! Next Friday !!  ( the 16th)  I HOST TGIFFRIDAY!!! So go finish something - I gave you a whole weeks notice,,, Blog about it - and come link up!!


  1. I agree; that is a super fun antique quilt!! Have fun replicating it!!

  2. Gotta love a simple block that packs a whollop when made from scraps.

  3. It's a beautiful quilt and I can't wait to see your with plaids! The block is a classic!

  4. That pattern would look great in any fabric. Looking forward to your finish.
    I know what you mean by having 3 or 4 starts. I have a similar problem - more starts than finishes :-)
    Thank you for linking with TGIFF at

  5. Gonna be a nice quilt when it's done. Have fun with the other 3 projects, too.

  6. That’s so funny! I opened up your blog and thought .... wow, she found the same antique quilt I did!

  7. Way to psych us out, Alycia. Have fun with your new quilt!!

  8. That's going to be a fun block to use up your plaid scraps. Have fun with the new project.


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