
Sunday, October 14, 2018

Log Cabin Loonies

Yay - I made some progress  on my scrappy Log Cabins

I started them and then drew a blank as to the way I should do the colors of the scraps, and if I would have enough, and it set me into a panic -I needed chocolate STAT....

after a teeny little bit of chocolate .. I figured it out.

Just DO IT and see what happens


Here is where I am:

There are 20 blocks I believe... or maybe not - but that is what I counted pre chocolate ;-)

On Wednesday over at Julie K Quilt blog she will host a link up to a lot of other quilters making the coolest Log Cabin quilts - and it is fun to go get inspired - so just do it  - ha ha ha

Also linking up to
Love Laugh Quilt: Monday Making
Oh Scrap at Quilting is more fun than housework
Main Crush Monday at Cooking Up quilts
DWM at Small Quilts and Doll QUilts
Moving it forward at Ems Scrap Bag


  1. These are very fun! So chocolate is your Secret :)

    Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!

  2. You go girl! I love the little house in the center.

  3. Lovin' your log cabin blocks. I too think the little house in the center is a great one!

  4. Love your log cabins. The warm light in the window is very homey. Surprisingly, I also love the browns you are using. I don't usually like brown, but the whole is so warm. Thanks for sharing your blocks with us.

  5. Pretty colors! I'm glad to know chocolate is the answer! :)

  6. Hum, anything is possible with chocolate! Nice fall blocks.

  7. They remind me of Lincoln Logs. And that's a good thing!


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