
Monday, July 02, 2018

Inspired by Cynthia

Cynthia - Who blogs over at  made a way cool Patriotic String quilt last summer - and I fell in love and started scheming.

I asked her if I could copy it, then realized.... I am not as good at math as she is - so I used her photo and started my own.

I can't seem to find the original post on the blog - but she has the quilt for sale in her Etsy Shop if you want to check her version out - because it is WAY cool!

( Edit - Cynthia sent us the direct link!!!  Here it is  )

anyways... here is where I am with it today!!

I think I need a bigger design wall.... you think my husband would let me take over more of our house? I mean - it's not like he's in it all the time ;-)

As you can see there are still quite a few blocks to be made.... again - remember that Math thing? well not really - I just sorta gathered all my scraps - I cut them into 10 inch lengths ( or there about)

and started sewing.  It seems like I have been working on them for a long time - so therefore - I should have enough blocks.....  logical right?

So as of today - to finish the blocks and top it becomes my July One Monthly Goal!!  Whoot Whoot

Linking to:


  1. I remember her quilt! It was gorgeous! You are well on your way to making your version and it's going to be amazing too! I love how you were so inspired by her quilt.

  2. Looks good! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project.

  3. It is looking great Alycia! Here is a link to my blog post.

    Thanks for the shout out.

  4. I love Cynthia's quilt, too!! Yours will be just as wonderful. I'm sure of it!!!

  5. Husband won't mind. After all, he has all of those critters, tack, and feed barns . . . so it's only fair.

    Quilt top looks good. It's going to be lovely when finished.

  6. That is so beautiful! I was happy to see it closer so I could tell how you made that light row look as if it were covered with some kind of white gauze. That's a great effect.

  7. It will be gorgeous!

  8. Excellent interpretation!

  9. Love how you took off on your own with Cynthia's quilt. I love patriotic quilts. Great job!

  10. Looks like you've got a good start on this month's OMG. Good luck!

  11. Lovely quilt, and I think you are well on your way to getting it done. Heat makes me stay in my sewing room with the AC, so that helps me. Go for the extra space for the design wall - raise the ceiling or lower the floor - whatever it takes! Hope you have fun working on it this month.

  12. It is looking fabulous already. Love the richness that comes from a scrappy version of one color.

  13. So gorgeous and patriotic! GREAT use of scraps!!!


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