
Wednesday, May 02, 2018

The Patriot - QOV's

Did you ever have one of those morning that just totally got away from you? and you realized that you hadn't quite finished your Tuesday list - yet - Wednesday was already starting.... Ya?  Me neither!

If you remember the Mystery *The Patriot* that we did earlier this year?

Some of you are so good at sending me photos - so I wanted to share!

Look at this awesome one from Donna T!
I love it!!

and then look!!
One is being Awarded
This photo made my Day!
Dani sent it and the whole day got better!!

Want to Make your own?  The clues are still in my Craftsy store - however - you now know how it turned out - ha ha!

Alright - back to catching up on my list

Linked to:
Let's Bee Social


  1. Great to see all these lovely Mystery QOVs.

  2. That is such a great pattern, Alycia! And as for that list...seems every time I cross something off, I add two more things to the bottom.

  3. I LOVE it--gorgeous!!

  4. Alice5:31 AM

    I really like that top one. Might try it myself!

  5. What a fun quilt-a-long! Thanks for hosting it Alycia!

  6. Very fun quilts! Hopefully you finally caught up with the day, or maybe you are like me and you are resigned to just being perpetually behind!


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