
Monday, May 21, 2018

Rattlesnake Kate

My son had to do a report on Local Lore - and he chose Rattlesnake Kate.

She is pretty famous around here for defending herself and her young son from an onslaught of Rattlers. Story is she killed 140 snakes and later used the skins and made a dress.

he did a lot of research, and then needed a photo. Well! the museum that has Kate's dress and old house is closed until the end of may. So I went with him and we found her grave site.

Pretty cool what you can learn in a cemetery....

We found her headstone.
It was a really small cemetery - so no directory or anything. 
And I think it might be an older one, most of the headstones were dated a while ago

Proof that we were there
( you know, so that no one thought we just copied it off the internet ;-)  )

Look what we found walking around tho
There were probably 7 or 8 of these - headstones just like Arlington

we thought that was pretty cool.

And of course, on our adventure we found this Veterans Memorial
( sort of still under construction I would guess)

So of course - we stopped and took photos

It was a pretty cool day
Not Quilty related at all 

But my Son and I enjoyed traipsing around our state 


  1. Cemetery's can be very interesting places.

  2. But you had a wonderful day together and learned something new about your!!

  3. What city did you find her grave in, Alycia? Looks like an interesting cemetery to visit!

  4. Thank you this was very interesting. I would love to see the dress. Theresa

  5. Go to Enter the name of the cemetery or look for it, and you might be surprised. You do need to establish a membership, but it is free. I found I have a whole cemetery devoted to one side of my family in Kentucky. (You can look for your family too.)

    And about that Little Bit............ he's not so little anymore. (But handsome whatever his size. '}

  6. Sounds like a very interesting day

  7. Learning something new everyday is important and I’m glad to now know about Rattlesnake Kate, it’s so nice that you are able to spend time gallivanting with your son. Very nice! That cemetery is quite pretty and that they have a Veterans Memorial is beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

  8. What an interesting post, Alycia! I really enjoyed it.


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