
Friday, April 27, 2018

The Teal Brick Road ( an OMG)

I so appreciated all of the feedback!!! I was so tickled to get ideas, and it sorta turned my brain back on!!  So!! The one that really caught my attention was Weedy Mama - she said Hot Pink... and my brain went *whaaaat???*

An I had Hot Pink in my stash!! and!!! I even knew where it was .... sorta.... or at least the general area of it....

and so.....

My Teal Brick Road is Topped!!!

On to find a backing and get it quilted - but the goal was to Top it!! so yay!!  We can happy dance now!

Linking to:
Confessions of a Fabric Addict
Finished or Not Finished


  1. Judy V in Thornton CO6:35 AM

    Your color choices are gorgeous for this quilt! It is making me think I should look at my stash for colors other than yellow and blue.

  2. Perfect! Love it!

  3. Oh yes, the fushia is perfect~ Love it.

  4. Hot pink is perfect! I like this quilt top. Can't wait to see what you choose to quilt it with. Congrats on your finish!

  5. I love the little hot pink border! That's a great color combination!

  6. Hot pink is perfect!

  7. Hot Pink + Dark Teal = Winning Combo!!! Looks fabulous.

  8. Hot pink works a treat:) Congratulations on a great finish

  9. Hi Alycia,
    WOW - this is just perfect. I love, love, LOVE the hot pink with the teal. I want this whole quilt. It is just perfect. PERFECT.
    ~smile~ Roseanne

  10. That pink really did the trick. Love it!!

  11. Bringing the pink forward was a great idea!! Now, you could call it Cotton Candy Surprise. :P

  12. Great quilt-the hot pink was definitely the right choice!

  13. So, now that I see it in all its glory, I must admit those are the colors that my room was decorated in for years--turquoise, pink and gray. So, what goes around comes back around. Glad you liked it.

  14. Just the right amount of pop. The hot pink was a great choice.

  15. The hot pink works great! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.

  16. Oh yes that hot pink really sets the top off!


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