
Friday, March 30, 2018

Jelly Roll Waves ( March's OMG) is a TOP!!!

It is a top.... but as you will soon see.... I made a boo boo....

I calculated how long it would take to fix that boo boo - and I decided I liked it the way it was!!
( and now I have an excuse to make another one!!!)

So here it is at the beginning....

And here I am - stitching my heart out.... and this is such a fantastic pattern - totally understandable!!

and here I am wondering...
I should not have started talking to my kids when I was ironing.

BUT!!! We had a blast laying it out on the design wall

and I calculated how long it would take me to fix it - and I decided that I really liked it this way!  So does my friend - I am going to get it quilted up and she loved it - so 

There you go - my March OMG is finished
( ps the goal was to get it into a top)
(PPS I finished it Thursday at 6:30 pm and the rain and wind made me stay inside)
(PPSS because I am so sweet I will melt)
(pppsss you can laugh now)

and I had a blast 
This is the second pattern I have made from Busy Hands and I recommend them both
very fun and easy to understand
( just don't start talking to my kids!!)

Linking to:

( click on photo to go to the page)

Linking to:
Confessions of a Fabric Addict
Finished or Not Friday


  1. Not sure I see a mistake! Yay for finishes!

  2. Still looks good even though it's not what you intended. That's the nice thing about quilting. If you hadn't said anything, no one would know!

  3. I can't find the boo boo. Does that spoil your creative changes? lol It looks good to me

  4. You just created a new pattern;) It will still work fine as a quilt, nothing wrong with that! Congrats on the finish.

  5. Oops!! Sorry about the pattern mix-up, but some of the BEST designs come out of little changes made inadvertently.

    Congrats! On completing your goal.

  6. WOW! I love your version more than what you were trying to make.

    Thank you for sharing.

  7. You've put your own spin on the pattern and it's wonderful. Such a fun, happy quilt. Talking with our children is the best!

  8. Such a fun pattern with so many possibilities. That is a mistake??? OMG, I want a pattern for THAT. I love it!!!

  9. Alycia!! I love it! I must make the same mistake that you made to create this, but I don't know what it is. Let me know!

  10. You sure know how to turn a pattern into an original design. Great job as I love it too. Congratulations on accomplishing this goal. ;^)

  11. Now see, your quilt top looks really fun and we would never know about the "mistake" if you didn't show us the picture from the pattern! I love it! Thanks for linking up with TGIFF!

  12. Nice variety. It doesn't have to be exactly like the pattern anyway. Well done.

  13. I like yours better. Maybe those "bits" had a method to their madness?

  14. I'm glad you stayed inside and didn't melt. And I like your version of the pattern!

  15. Great creativity can come from little (or big) oopses! Love the colors.

  16. Great quilt. Yes, the more you do on your long arm the better you get. Some people have natural talent and others go for a computerized machine. (That would be me!) Your quilting looks fabulous. The design you've chosen really works with your triangles.

  17. Great fun quilt. love the bright colours

  18. Happy Accidents! Never a bad thing!

  19. Fun and colorful quilt top. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.

  20. Very creative version of the pattern!

  21. You made your own pattern. Awesome! I like both versions.

  22. I love it!!! Maybe actually even more than the pattern - it has a very fun sense of dancing motion.

  23. Congrats on a fun and colorful finish. (They aren't boo boos, they are alternative design options).

  24. You made the quilt your own by choosing to lay it out differently, even if you were talking to someone else. It turned out beautiful!


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