
Monday, January 01, 2018

One Monthly Goal - 2018

Do you ever go back and read your own blog?

I did.... cuz , well, I wondered when my OMG ( One Monthly Goal) and the RSC ( Rainbow Scrap Challenge) Broke down....

I made it to July ( ish) and then I am not sure what happened.... But in Church on Sunday our pastor said - "When you fail, start again.... rather than Giving up"  And that's the difference in those that can move forward , and those that get stuck in the past.

Well, or at least the gist of it - I only listened to the part that applied to me  - Just Kiddin!!!!

I am starting again!!!
Here is my

  January One Monthly Goal!

( and you can join in too)

Mine for January 2018  
( got the year right!!)

Sapphire Stars
A Kevin the Quilter Mystery

Here is where I am - I think all the clues are now stitched
They just need to be put into the blocks 
and then into the Quilt top

And if I am really Ambitious

It will get Quilted

but don't hold me to the binding.... Sometimes that needs to be pondered on a while

See others' OMG's here:
One Monthly Goal

also linking wiht
Lets Bee Social


  1. Oh, I know. I have lost my mojo and then eventually regained it. It happens to most of us. I see what you mean about the binding. Yes, because it has to make sense with both the front and the back. When in doubt, ask the readers - we are full of opinions :-D
    Happy 2018 to you and wish you all the best on your January OMG.

  2. Your pastor shared some wise words. I think many of us went off on Squirrel Patrol last year - which meant we discovered lots of fun stuff but we didn't necessarily finish what we said we wanted to. In the end, it's all good so just keep stitching!

  3. I think life gets in the way sometimes and when we get behind, it is difficult to get caught up. I find if I just jump in where I'm at, I tend to go back and finish what was not done.
    Good luck.

  4. Monthly goals are such a good thing but sometimes I need daily goals to keep production going. I have way too many quilts and tops ready for longarming and that’s my goal this month. Then again, I have company until the 14 th, half the month will be over. One stitch at a time!
    You minister was correct in so many ways. Think of it this way- if we completed all our goals, desires, and wishes, there would be no reason to go on striving to be better.
    Happy New Year and many blessings to you and yours.

  5. Wise words from your pastor. I made a note of them.

    There have been too many squirrels, bunnies, wild turkeys and other distractions in the last year. Time to wash the glasses and get things back in focus.

    Happy New Year.

  6. I broke down last year too let's hope we can make it all the way through this year! Good luck with your goal.

  7. Yes. Its usually around summer things change so diffucukt to keep to schedule if sewing.

    You always get si much done, winderful you want to do even mire!

    Goid luck with you january Omg!

  8. I bet it feels good to be back in the saddle. Have fun with your goal.

  9. Good luck with your goals!

  10. Good to restart a project. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project.

  11. Good luck on accomplishing your goals in the New Year!
    Yep...if at first you don't succeed - try, try again!!

  12. All the best, the blocks look really pretty so look forward to seeing the quilt top. Your pastor is so right!!

  13. You are WAY ahead of me on Kevin's mystery. I'm making 3 of them (2 scrappy, 1 controlled). Hopefully I'll get them done soon, since one is supposed to be a wedding quilt, and I need it finished before October.

  14. Joining in at no matter what time is the key.
    It doesn't matter, it's not a race. Enjoy the journey.

  15. Hey, High Five! ^5 My Jan OMG is also my Sapphire Stars. :) You got this!

  16. A great start. Good luck moving forward!!

  17. Good luck with your OMG for January.

  18. How funny. We both have the same OMG for January but in different stages. I have faith that you might get yours done before me. It all depends on how many customer quilts come in.
    Good luck to you.


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