
Friday, December 01, 2017

On Ringo Lake Clue 1

Man - it was so cool watching others' Clue Ones come to life  - I just couldn't wait to get to my machine..... and I did!!

Whoot Whoot

Clue 1 done just in time for Clue 2 to come out!!

I was going for the artsy look
It didn't work
Ha ha!!

And ta da

When I pulled my Original Fabrics I did not grab my scrap bins
Only because I never know what sizes she will use
( after all it IS a mystery)

But then - it was pointed out that I had no plaids -
and My stars!!!
How can I have a quilt with out plaids!!
So ( Weedy Mama)  I have some plaid

And I am off!!

Have a great Friday!!

Linking to:
Finished or Not Finished Friday


  1. Oh, man!! I could have pulled one of those brown plaids that I bought to make a jacket 20 YEARS ago and STILL haven't made!!! Whoops!

  2. Plaids! and horse shoes too!

    You feel better now?

  3. Awesome. I like the range of blues going to navy. It will be fun to see the quilts come together.

  4. Yes, the brown plaid MAKES these blocks. Love it! Found you through the link up (I'm at although I'm linking through Instagram). :)


  5. Awesome blocks! I'm glad I found your blog!

  6. Congrats on being all done with clue 1! The blocks look great.


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