
Tuesday, September 19, 2017


I took a little excursion out to a reservoir near us.  I had a lot of fun, and surprisingly met some people along the trail.   There is quite a campground out there, but I assumed that because it was a weekday, I would pretty much be the only out there..... I was wrong!

One family stays 10 days at a time, leaves for a day, and comes back.... until the end of September.

Unless of course it snows, then they go home early..

Just a barn.... Out there in the middle of nowhere
But I liked the way the light shone on it!

And a weed flower
I liked the color and the lake behind it

The lake is really neat
but the skies - and the drama of Black and White

I walked around a good part of the lake
But I had to come back to my car
so I got to see the Barn from another angle

As I was walking this bird
I believe it is a Swainson Hawk 
Landed and just kept watching me,

So I kept walking on, taking photos, until it finally took off
It allowed me to get pretty close!

 Isn't this a cool truck?

It was just out there!

I have been getting a lot in inquiries about purchasing my photos
And thank you - I am touched!

So - you can click on the photo and it will take you to my SmugMug Site where you can purchase a print if you wish.  If you want to do a canvas -Contact me Directly and I can work with you

again - thank you!

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  1. Judy V in Thornton CO6:09 AM

    Alycia, your photography is beautiful! Keep those photos coming...

  2. Very slick that SmugMug option! I do so enjoy your photography, especially the black and white photos.

  3. Exquisite photography ~ very elegant and creative ~ thanks, Like the wildflowers and the barn and all ~ ^_^

    (A Shutterbug Explores)

  4. I would feel honoured if such a hawk stared at me for so long!

  5. You never told me that I could BUY your photos!!! (And thanks for doing a combination of color along with the black and white photos.)

  6. What an eye you have! Love these photos! I am big lover of barns and old abandoned buildings and bridges.

  7. Gorgeous shots! I really like the black and whites.


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