
Friday, June 02, 2017

A Quilted Finish

I slept in!!!  and now I feel so behind.... but not really... but sort of!

Sleeping in feels good!!
And the chores are mostly done - that's even better....

My latest Finish!!
Whoot Whoot

I actually pieced this top as one of my 
Aprils One Monthly Goal - 
That month I pieced 6 tops and got 4 quilted

This month I got one more of them quilted

and I even have my May One Monthly goal on the Quilting Frame
But.... It did not quite make it finished in May..
 It will however be done today!
( Cuz the chores are done - I can go right down and quilt!)

Finished Quilt Statistics
Designed by Jan Ochherbeck
56 inches by 72 inches
Quilted with Baptist fans ( by me - ha ha)


  1. Oh I really like this pattern. A HST at the center of a log cabin block makes such an interesting variation and creates movement in the quilt. And the Baptist fans quilting just adds the perfect finishing touch.

  2. Looks terrific! I love the Baptist fans quilting on it.

  3. LOVE this pattern!!! Just lovely.

  4. I LIKE IT! yup, all caps. I saved the pattern too. There's a pile down in the basement.........
    Good job!

  5. Congrats! on your lovely Patriotic finish. Thanks for an example of what to do with Baptist Fans. I have a hard time figuring out where they are appropriate for use.

  6. It's a gorgeous QOV, great quilting too! Hey I slept in also, but that was because I woke up during the night and had a hard time getting back to sleep. Hate that and it happens way too often-the waking up I mean.

  7. Honestly, I came by because I saw the picture and had to know how you did this! I love the pattern. Preeti is right about the HST creating movement. It's really very stunning. And I like your Baptist fans so much better than my own. I'll have to practice to get them this size and this uniform.

  8. Oh it is just beautiful!!!!! Nice finish.

  9. That block does make a really nice quilt design, and the Baptist fans look great too.

  10. Congrats on a awesome finish. I like how the blocks make those notches in the rows, a fun pattern.

  11. I really love your quilt design! I don't think I have ever seen it before. I also like your fans. Are they hand quilted? I'm planning on trying them myself soon.


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