
Monday, May 15, 2017

They keep getting older......

And I am not sure why!!!!  

My son....  decided that it was time to graduate.....

From College....


and When????

My stars - this time has just flown by!!

See Look!!! They let him cross the stage!!

and they actually handed him a diploma

This is total proof right??

Actually we are really really proud of him, no matter how bad of time we give him!
He finished in four years - go him!!


  1. It's always stunning to realize that you, as a parent, must have done a few things right!

  2. Finished in 4 years?! Jealous!!!

  3. Carlie8:24 PM

    Wow that's awesome. Didn't know anyone finished in four years!!!Carlie

  4. WOW!! Didn't he just start last year? LOL Time does fly and it flies faster every year! When's the next one go?

  5. Congratulations to all of you!!

  6. Judy V from Thornton CO6:43 AM

    Congratulations on your son's graduation! You and your family must be so totally proud of him!

  7. Congratulations, Alycia! That is a very special time!

  8. That is wonderful! Congratulations to your son and the whole family!

  9. Congratulations to him!!!
    .....and, you're right! Neither of my daughters asked my permission to graduate from college ..... or to get married, ..... or to have children of their own. On the plus side, however, I have to admit that the grandchildren are pretty grand!!!!!

  10. 4 Years? and look at all those colored strings around his neck!!! He must have done something right, and had good examples to guide him. Congratulations to all of you. (Did you mention he is now the "littlest" bit?

  11. And, Go Mom! It's quite a feat to raise a boy through college. Congrats to him and to you.

  12. Congratulations! They do have a way of growing up. Pretty soon we'll be as old and wise as they are!

  13. Congratulations! Has it really been 4 years already? It doesn't seem that long ago!

  14. No way! He just left home! When I graduated from college, my Dad said I had better check and make sure that I had received an actual diploma and not just a blank piece of paper. *Grin*
    So, do you get to have him home for the summer?

  15. Oops! Forgot to add my congratulations! Well done!


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