
Wednesday, April 12, 2017

A Quick Trip

I was able to take a quick trip with my son to Washington DC - and we had a blast!!

He worked there this last summer and I so badly wanted to go visit, but it didn't work in to my schedule - and, well - he sort of had to work.... so!!

Spring Break came and we decided to head out and be tourists!!!

And having someone who had lived, worked and walked around as a tour guide was quite fun!!

We arrived and promptly hit the Metro to get to our hotel:

1. I live in the middle of nowhere - we do not have a Metro - how much fun was that?

2. I am slightly claustrophobic ( okay a LOT that way) and the Metro - goes underground.... how much fun did my kid have keeping me from freaking out!)

3. After getting more comfortable with it - wow - what a way to get around! we didn't have to drive in that crazy traffic, or try to find a parking space, and a Metro Station was less than 1/2 a mile from our hotel.....

( PS - I live in the country - my mail box is farther from my house than that!)

Full Disclaimer - remember that Quilters see things wayyyy different that *normal* tourists!  - just sayin'......

So.... this is us - we took the metro to our station and then had to go up this escalator to get to the ground level - there might have been a little panic in my voice when I looked up, and there might have been a tight gripping of the rail.... as my son says - come on Mom - lets step up it.... ya.... sure..

This is in the metro station - I was trying to be all artsy and catch a train ..
quick little things - I tell ya
But I loved the walls!

and the floors!!

I am sure people were staring at my son with sympathy
thinking what a nice young man - 
taking his mother into public ....
Ha ha

Then we started walking
And I was sort of shocked!
And Ace store right there on the street

Our Ace store has a pull in, and a driveway for our large pickups
I did not see anyone driving out of that store with plywood.... hmmmmm

This is the top of a building that his buddy lives in
They have this cool rooftop stuff - there was a BBQ pit, and a table
and a water fountain...

All I have on the top of my house is .... well ... I don't know
It's not flat!

PS - you do see what I was trying to photograph way way way there in the back right??

Too cool!


  1. Alycia, what a great trip. I love the pieces you showed up and have ridden the metro. It is a great thing, making it so convenient to get around. Hope you enjoy the time with your son.

  2. Our little national traveler got a photo of the Washington Monument. What an adventure!!

  3. We went to DC last summer for the first time. I was amazed at everything. Now when I watch TV shows that have scenes in DC I am so much more interested because the places are familiar to me. I'll bet your son enjoyed your company more that you think. Remember when he was young and you showed him things for the first time? Now it was his turn. :)

  4. Your little country fella worked in DC? WOW, that's quite different surroundings. But he HAD been in college so he's doing lots of cool stuff. My grandma lived in DC and I was born in MD (but left when I was 6). Sounds like you guys had fun!!

  5. I so love that America is filled with awesomely new experiences for all of us. Next step NYC? That has many subway lines and you wouldn't believe the artwork in some of them--- planned and unplanned. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Glad you had a fun time. I think the last time I was in DC was when I was in 5th or 6th grade - ancient history. I hope you got to see many of the monuments and Arlington National Cemetery. Everyone (especially the kids today) needs to see how many sacrificed to give us our freedoms. I love your perspective and your pictures.

  7. You are definitely a tourist... taking pictures of everything! Thanks for sharing them with us.

  8. Great taking us along, handsome son too. Best of times for you.

  9. Sounds like a great trip and a fun time with your son. Once they get a little older there is less & less of that.

  10. Um, Alycia---- DC has seen tourists before. It is ok. Just bring your money, lots of money. And I'm really glad you had a good time, but that was just an appetizer. I wouldn't know how to get around that city without the Metro, but I used to ride the bus in Seattle, so that probably helped. Go back again. There are lots of goodies there to explore, even a Textile Museum, and I'll bet he didn't mention G Street Fabrics.

  11. I love DC and have visited often. Getting around on the Metro is definitely the way to go.

  12. Having recently moved to DC from r-u-r-a-l (!!) Louisiana, I know just what you mean! Everything about this city (well, except for the politics) is absolutely amazing! I'm glad you got to see it. oh, and sadly, G Street Fabrics is no longer in the city . . . have to go out to the burbs to find one of its branches. (lynnstck[at]


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