
Friday, April 28, 2017

April;s One Monthly Goal - Block Box

April's One Monthly Goal was to reduce the stack of Blocks in my Block box and make something useful..... and...... to finish March's OMG ( March just snuck away from me!!)

Here is the original OMG post for April - just in case you are interested:

April OMG Post

That ( to the left) is the overflowing Block Box.... so I dug in... I started laying them on the design wall and....


I got SIX tops done!! and 4 of them are quilted and ready for my sew group
to add the binding.... cuz they like to do that!

and who am I to deny them the pleasure!!! Right???

the two in the back being held up by the Big Strong Men
are still tops - 

the other 4 are quilted - and now I want to go take closer pics so you will believe me....

This is now what my box looks like!

I already showed you this - but just in case you missed it

I FINISHED my March One Monthly Goal too

That's All Folks......

Well except now I have to pull a May OMG project.... decisions....

PS!!!  TheBlock Pattern was designed by Jan at the Colorful Fabriholic
and can be found ( for Free)  Here
Quiltygirl Craftsy Site

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Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Sandi's Quilt ( a Quilt of Valor)

I have a friend.... Yep - I really do, she even admits to  knowing me in public!!  She is that kind of friend!!

She and her group of amazing seamstresses made this Quilt of Valor, and I got to quilt it!!

I think it is quite a stunner!!

Isn't that just gorgeous!!
So many people asked how she did it - that she was kind enough to answer

( which is impressive, sometimes I forget how I did things!)

. I used a 10 1/2"muslin foundation, then started in the center with a triangle shape that was about 13"tall and 7"wide. Then string piece on both sides and squared it to 10".

I wish she had borrowed some of my strings though - then maybe my lid would shut.....

And because you wanted to see my kid fly through the air....

He's already tall - but shew - he gets way tall !

Happy Stitching!

Linked to:
MidWeek Makers
Lets Bee Social

Friday, April 21, 2017

Marchs One Monthly Goal

I know!! It is not March, but heck fire I am still bound and determined to get that goal finished!!!

I AM!!!

Oh Look!!!

What is This???

Might I have something under the needle?

 Might I be toiling LATE into the night to finally get a FINISH???

Might I????

Ta- da!!!!

Yay!!! There it is!!!  I turned on all the light in the house and tried to wake everyone up - but no one would oblige, even the dogs kept snoring.... sheesh!!


IT is DONE!!

I really wanted to use the scraps on the back - so this is what I came up with...

I hope I find a Veteran that likes Bright - Although this is Red White and Blue... I still think it is bright - and I LOVE IT!!

Pattern:  Tortilla Strips from Atkinson Desing
Finished Size 60 x 80 inches
Pieced, Quilted and Bound by Me!!  ( Whoot Whoot)

This is my 9th QOV finish ( I didn't piece all of them) for the year
and my 9th total finish for the year - oh Yay!!  

and - I had better get crackin'!

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Quilts of Valor Colorado

Happy Wednesday!

This morning was a little crazy, and I am just now getting to my morning chores - can you believe it?
We are planting grass in one of the pastures and Man - did those guys start early today! ha !!

Lets get to some awesome Quilts of Valor and see if we can't inspire you today!  ( while I think about what I am making for lunch??)

This First Quilt was made by Kathy and QUilted by Connie - Isn't it awesome! I love the dog!!

Next we have this beauty made by Judy V in Broomfield - She quilted and pieced it!

And this yummy quilt from Judy!! You all know I LOVE Churndashes and look at this setting!
I love it!!!

This is the back
I want some of this fabric!

The next 5 quilt are from Meredith in AZ and quilted by Ron O in NM
These are such lovely quilts!

Ron always puts an Americana symbol on each quilt
I love searching for them!

I know that is a quick show - but the time these quilters spend on these quilts - 
just amazing!!

Our Veterans appreciate it - and so do I!!

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

DC - The Memorials

After a Hearty Breakfast at a really cute restaurant called the Silver Grille - we headed off to the big city to see the Memorials.

I help send Vets here to see their memorials on the Northern Colorado Honor Flight, and I help make Quilts of Valor for them upon their return -

I thought it only fitting that we go check out the monuments.... you know make sure they were alright for my Vets to see ( ha ha - the parent in me??)

Don't you love that breakfast?

My kid can burn that off in 10 minutes.... me?   I'm still working on it !!

Mind you - we packed light - so these are all cell phone photos

The Washington Monument
I love how all the flags surround it

And then the WWII Memorial

From there we headed to the Lincoln Memorial

And then to the VietNam Wall

I have a thousand more photos that are a great memory for me of our day.
I hope that everyone gets a chance to just walk through these memorials
It really is awe-inspiring

I have a step tracker thingy on my phone
My kid was trying to kill me I am sure
this day we walked 12 miles

I deserve a new pair of shoes now right???

Monday, April 17, 2017

Mystery Quilt Reveal - A Dash of Chains

Thank you all so much for the love on the last Mystery Quilt Reveal!!  Many of you asked if the pattern was available - and now!!!  IT IS!!!

I have listed it for you in my Craftsy pattern Store and my Etsy Pattern Store 

I would love to see photos of yours if you decide to make it !  The pattern is written fairly easy - you can use the yardage recommended, or if you are scrappy - you can make it scrappy. Each step takes just over an hour, there is one that takes under two - but it will amaze you how fast it comes together.


A Dash of Chains in Etsy
A Dash of Chains on Craftsy

PS - Terry over at is getting some scraps ;-) thanks for the interest all!!

PPS - Linked to:

Friday, April 14, 2017

Scraps - free to a new home

I have found a pile of scraps that are soooo cute, and I love the quilt I made from them - but they really want to visit someone else..... Interested?

Leave me a way to get in touch with you and they will fly your way ...

more than one interested - I'll draw for it Sunday night

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Another Day in the City

The first thing we did the next day was head out to Arlington.

and Wow

That's just sort of the feeling when you walk in - and it might bring tears to your eyes, and a little gulp to your throat.

The week before we went my Cousin ( I think second - but I stink at those distinctions) was buried in Arlington. Talk about humbling when you walk in to that place and realize that you are related to one of those brave Veterans.

It is just sort of amazing how you all hush your voices....

(PS there may be a few photos in this post)

Isn't that amazing - they say there are 400,000 graves there now, on just over 600 acres

It is all pretty hilly - so the views are quite amazing

We headed up to the Robert E Lee house.
It overlooks the river and is quite amazing
The docents inside dress in period costume
Oh man - did I have a great time checking out those fabrics.

These photos below are from the Womens Memorial

It was really cool, showing how women have served in the military since the beginning,
and in very critical roles. 

 I really enjoyed reading and looking at everything.

and in the foyer of the building is this!

My son saw it first! I have raised him well haven't I?

If you get to go to Arlington - I would totally recommend this Memorial too!

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

A Quick Trip

I was able to take a quick trip with my son to Washington DC - and we had a blast!!

He worked there this last summer and I so badly wanted to go visit, but it didn't work in to my schedule - and, well - he sort of had to work.... so!!

Spring Break came and we decided to head out and be tourists!!!

And having someone who had lived, worked and walked around as a tour guide was quite fun!!

We arrived and promptly hit the Metro to get to our hotel:

1. I live in the middle of nowhere - we do not have a Metro - how much fun was that?

2. I am slightly claustrophobic ( okay a LOT that way) and the Metro - goes underground.... how much fun did my kid have keeping me from freaking out!)

3. After getting more comfortable with it - wow - what a way to get around! we didn't have to drive in that crazy traffic, or try to find a parking space, and a Metro Station was less than 1/2 a mile from our hotel.....

( PS - I live in the country - my mail box is farther from my house than that!)

Full Disclaimer - remember that Quilters see things wayyyy different that *normal* tourists!  - just sayin'......

So.... this is us - we took the metro to our station and then had to go up this escalator to get to the ground level - there might have been a little panic in my voice when I looked up, and there might have been a tight gripping of the rail.... as my son says - come on Mom - lets step up it.... ya.... sure..

This is in the metro station - I was trying to be all artsy and catch a train ..
quick little things - I tell ya
But I loved the walls!

and the floors!!

I am sure people were staring at my son with sympathy
thinking what a nice young man - 
taking his mother into public ....
Ha ha

Then we started walking
And I was sort of shocked!
And Ace store right there on the street

Our Ace store has a pull in, and a driveway for our large pickups
I did not see anyone driving out of that store with plywood.... hmmmmm

This is the top of a building that his buddy lives in
They have this cool rooftop stuff - there was a BBQ pit, and a table
and a water fountain...

All I have on the top of my house is .... well ... I don't know
It's not flat!

PS - you do see what I was trying to photograph way way way there in the back right??

Too cool!

Monday, April 10, 2017

Block on the Wall

Progress on my One Monthly Goal !!

This is whats up on the wall so far from the box - and it was easy!!  I love how these Blocks are used! These are blocks from our QOVCO Block Drive - the pattern is free and can be found by clicking Here

This block pattern was designed by Jan Ochterbeck 

And then - I did a little quick trip to the Springtime in the Rockies Shop Hop
and may have accidentally taken some fabrics home
( sure - that;s the story!!)

This panel was a favorite of Wrangler Mans 

Now to create a quilt with it!!

And lastly - 
my Quilty friend is expecting ( a grandbaby!!)
and she wanted to make a quilt

So we made a plan - isn't that just a fun quilt!
Now it will be fun to see if the baby gets it when she is born....

Or,,,,,   Ha ha ha

Enjoy your day!!

Linking up with:

Friday, April 07, 2017

Mystery Quilt Reveal


Close your eyes or pass on by if you don't want to know ;-)

You have been warned.......

Are you ready????

And!!  I will have you note that
1. It is quilted
2. it is Bound!

That is my high achieving moment for the month - I can now go goof off right????

A close up of the quilting - just becuase
( it's my blog and I wanna!)

This is the 5th Mystery from Mystery Quilt for Military
that I have written ;-)

It is a Quilt of Valor

Linked to:

Thursday, April 06, 2017

Denver Art Museum - Part 2

Even though our original goal at the Denver Art Museum was to see the Stars Wars Exhibit - after I fed my family .... I drug them back in!!

They did not resist though - my family pretty much likes art.... so we took a few other photos:

So that ( above) is Bark cloth - its like tree bark that they painted on - 

And this
is a stack of Quilts and Blankets!

They called it an art display
But I wondered what would happen if I just borrowed a few....

That might be why the security guy kept following me around!!

Here is is from the up top view - I climbed a million stairs to get to the top of that
That;s Blog research for you!!

And then!! There was a dinosaur!
He was plastic and funny
but the jacket below 
I liked that!!

There is really so much to see there - you could take 2 full days - 
but the guys, they really wanted to go home and work on moving some hay....

This is the view as we were leaving back to the parking lot
It was the city.... kinda not like my house....
