
Monday, January 16, 2017

Design Walls and Basketball

I am sure that if you say that fast.... it rhymes....  go ahead - say it a few times...

What say you???  Am I a Poet ?     hope you had your coffee in a secure place!!

I am making some progress over here in my little corner of the world...I'm starting to put my January UFO/One Monthly Goal into a top....

I am totally taking advantage that January has 31 days in it.... But I think this might get to be a finish!!!

And on to Basketball - I spend a lot of time in the Stands this time of year! What's a girl to do? 

She takes her camera... and takes a gazillion batrillion photos!

#44 is mine

He makes me feel short

Linking to:
Ems scrapbag
Dsign Wall Monday
Cooking Up Quilts
Monday Making


  1. That's a very colorful quilt you're working on. How many basketball games will there be this season? I'm sure glad things went digital or you could have run out of film. Who won the game?

  2. Love your scrappy blocks! This will look great when you get it done. Good luck!

  3. Those look like large blocks, very pretty. I'm counting on that extra day this month too :)


  4. Nice progress on the ufo.
    Your boy has some skills!

  5. I really like the purple sashing arund your green blocks! That's such a pretty combination! Have fun watching basketball, too!

  6. Your UFO is looking mighty good. I could go to a lot of basketball games with no problems. I loved basketball as a college student, What fun.

  7. How many design walls do you have now? LOL I can't believe how big Lil Bit has gotten!?!?!?!

  8. They grow up way too fast! So just keep clicking a gazillion photos! Lovely quilt you are working up, too!

  9. I love that green and purple colorway. Good luck with this month's OMG, it's certainly looking pretty.

    I remember those days. DT played basketball for a couple of years. You got some good shots. It's usually so dim in those gyms it's hard to get good action shots (ask My Guy, he had a few places he didn't even bother to take the camera).


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