
Monday, December 26, 2016

Merry Day After Christmas!!

Oh I hop you all had a wonderful day yesterday - I know some were filled with family and others with quilting!  Ours had a little mini blizzard pass though, and leave us covered in ice!

Walking dogs this morning ( in the dark as well) was a crunchy slippery experience! Ha - but I survived.

Right before the Day - I even finished!! all of my Mystery Clues!

After the making of the Pumpkin Pies - I got them all cut out!!

After the making of the Strawberry Pretzel salad - I got them stitched
and PS
 my Mom or Mother in law always makes this salad - and I did it this year
and it was EDIBLE!!! Ha!!

and because I am actually keeping up
here's an ALL clue shot!

Wednesday was the Winter Solstice
Last year we were jut beginning our RIcky Timms Photography class - and we were told to take a photo on the solstice

This year he gave us the same assignment and I headed out to the same place.

The reason - I wanted to see how far I had come
And although I LOVE my old solstice photo - I did edit it a bit
This one - Straight out of  the camera

To me - that is a great thing, I have learned so much on how to use my camera first to set things up - so it made me happy!!

The LinkUps


  1. Happy Boxing Day! I read the news report about the blizzard on the plains. Glad to know that you're safe and sound. Your colorway for the mystery is great -- congratulations on keeping up with all the clues.

  2. You seem to be making wonderful progress. Great photo!

  3. Your photos have always been wonderful - and now they just keep getting better!

  4. Hi Alycia, love your photos.

    I also love the strawberry pretzel salad!! Way back when I was a kid that salad seemed to be at every gathering, Homemakers club, Ladies Aid, funeral etc. I used to make it a couple times a year but probably haven't made it in at least 45-50 years, probably more.

    A few months ago I looked for the sweetened strawberries in the paper can that it calls for. Nowhere to be found. No one working was old enough to remember them when I asked and they didn't have any other sweetened ones. I ended up making something else because I didn't know how much sugar to add. How much did you use for the 9x13 pan size? Come to think of it, I think I saw it done awhile back on Cooks Country or Americas test kitchen but they disappear quickly from the sites if you aren't a member.

  5. Wow!! I can hardly believe your photography class has been going on a whole year. LOVE seeing your photos!!

  6. Wow, keeping up and getting Christmas prep done. That's real talent! Your photos have always been good, but getting better educated lets you get the shots you want much easier. Looking forward to seeing more next year.


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