
Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Life on the Ranch - Fences

This is my East Pasture

We are working on a new project
and a new plan for it - that required some fencing on the west side

Directly from here ( where I am standing)
To there - (the end of the horizon)

It's not asking too much is it?

So my sons
( My wonderful awesome sons)
Pitched in, along with their Dad and we set posts

and strung a guide wire

and got our H Posts all set
( this adds structure and stability on long long long fences)
Plus - since I am the one that planned it - 
there may have been a crook or two in it

Apparently I can't walk straight....
but well ---- 

See that red pickup?
That is my sons
and he is just so kind to let me load all of the T posts
and wood posts in it
( well and , he didn't know it till he came home, but he was nice about it!)

I'm not sure what we were doing right here - 
but I liked the horizon
and the fact that all of them are in Sweatshirts!
In Winter!!

Up to here we have the H posts, a few Wood posts and a wire strung

You string the wire first - so that you can pound the T posts in along it,
and hopefully make a straight fenceline

Remember Hopefully - cuz - well - I helped ( A lot!!)


  1. Yes, I do believe it would have been difficult to do this if the ground were frozen. When your fellas are finished, could they come here and set up one around my lot? I'd feed them of course . . . and Dolly would help.

  2. Fencing is such a chore. I am forever dragging t-posts and the post pounder out to fix fence. I have a couple of cows that don't think fences apply to them.

  3. Anonymous4:37 PM

    2 thumbs up for playing outside! I love stuff like that.

  4. Nice lesson in putting up a fence. I think I'll quilt instead of putting up a fence. Looks hard to me!

  5. Looks like the brown of winter has definitely taken root, but I like the brown against the blue sky. Hope the rest of the fencing goes together well.


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