
Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Free Quilt Patterns ( and more)

I know I usually do QOV shows on Wednesdays - but today I wanted to highlight a Tab on the top of my blog  - and lead you that way!!

I have a tab ( surprise) of all the Quilt patterns that I have on my blog - and I updated it!!!

( Round of applause please)

I planned at the beginning of the year to do a Scrappy Block pattern and post it, and I also had planned to do some quilt patterns - now they are all listed for you to be inspired and maybe use them to make a Quilt of Valor or Two??  ( or 12 if you are really ambitious!!)

That is the link - I hope you find something you like!
From So Cal QOV using the LCT Tutorial from Colorful Fabriholic

an easy strip pattern


  1. Not only a round of applause, but a standing ovation as well. Way to go!

  2. Wonderful patterns Alycia, thank you for your generosity! I might use a couple for donation quilts for Project Linus and adapt to my color scheme.

  3. I may have t make that first quilt!

  4. Thanks for the one stop location for the patterns. One day when I retire, I'm going to get to all those patterns listed on my bucket list. Have a very Merry Christmas.


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