
Monday, October 31, 2016

Antique Quilts

Oh I am bragging a little bit here -

LOOK at this quilt!!! My Client is an Antique Lady and oh man does she find the coolest quilts!!

This is up next in my Quilting line.....

Isn't that just amazing!!
it does not lie flat anywhere!!

But we are both okay with that - the beauty of it far far far outweighs it's flaws!!

Alright - I'm done bragging - ha ha!!

I started even another project this weekend - I am having WAY to much fun sorting my scraps now!

These are blocks from the Wonky Star Block drive - but they were boo boo's as they were too big.
I never want a block to feel left out - so I am on a mission to make it into a
way cool QOV!!!

I think it will work


Linking to:
Love Laugh QUilt
Cooking Up Quilts
Patch Work Times
Em's Scrap Bag

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Scrappy Saturday - Strippies

I cleaned out my 2 1/2 inch bin(s)  this week - and Sorted them into color groups and stared - and decided that I will not use all of these......

So!! There are enough strips here to probably make a baby to lap quilt size quilt.....  I say probably - because my ability to measure how much fabric it takes to make a quilt is really off.... as evidenced by the growing size of my stash - ha ha!!

So just like last saturday - if you want them - leave me a comment, if there is more that one person I will draw on Monday Morning early and contact you so they can wing their way to you!

(If you are not in the US - I don't mind sending them your way - but I can't afford that postage - so you will have to chip in...... sorry)

Oh and leave me a way to contact you if you are a no reply blogger ;-)


Thursday, October 27, 2016

Mystery Quilts!!!

I love Mystery Quilts!! I love to Write them and I love to participate!!!

Bonnie at Quiltville just announced the color choices for this Years Mystery - EnProvence!!!


and I are doing it in Patiotics!!

Kevin always does them that way - I've only done 2 that way... but with his encouragement I'm doing it again!!

Here are my Fabric Choices!!!

The first clue doesn't come out till the day after Thanksgiving - so I have time to iron and pet and re fold and dream.....

Speaking of Mysteries!!
Over at 
Mystery Quilts 4 Military we are moving on to Clue #4 of the current Mystery!!

This is the end of Clue #3 - 

I have used up a lot of scraps on this one - however.... I keep finding more scraps - HOW!! Does this happen?   I swear I try to stay on top of them - but at least I can put them to good use!!!!

Go Forth and Quilt!!!

Linking up to:
Fort Worth Fabric Studio
Confessions of a Fabric Addict
Busy Hands Quilts

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Quilts of Valor - Softball Team edition

About 5 years ago I met the Softball coach from the local University - and we got to chatting. She was telling me that the Team needed to do Community Support Work, and of course I said - hey - They could work on Quilts of Valor with us.... and the tradition has continued!!

They came and joined us at our sew day and dug in to making the QOV CO block Drive Blocks!!

I had all the half squares pre-made - just thought that would be easier, and had all the 2 inch strips cut.  I drew the directions up on the Board .... sort of made me feel like a teacher - ha!

And away they went.  There were only 4 new players this year - so only 4 new people to teach how to work the machines - and Bam!!!

They just got to work!!!

I told them - have fun, don't worry about how many you make, just enjoy!!

Dianne had made them homemade cookies - 
we wanted them to feel at home!
Then one of the girls yells - those with the most blocks wins!!

And my goodness did they get those machines cranking!!

In two hours they made 103 finished blocks
and a stack of 10 that needed one more log!

Pretty dang impressive right?????

Go forth and quilt!!

Monday, October 24, 2016

Found Fabrics... Now what to do???

I might be cleaning a little bit in my Fabric Stash, and I might be dreaming of all the new quilts I could make, and i might be suffering with a little bit of QDD  again......

When cleaning up some of my projects in motion ( sort of, I am not admitting to a stalled out stage yet)  I found a little bag stuck in there - so I pulled it out, and took the fabrics out and Look!!

There are 14 FQ's of the creams on the top of the photo, and 14 FQ's of the maroons, greens, blues and blacks. On the left - there is a yard of each of those - there are the Kansas Troubles fabrics.

I know this because it says so on the selvage, not because I am some fabric genius or anything ;-)

Here is question Number 1 - in the "dark" pile they included that taupey brownish color - , does it contrast with the light in the top of the photos ?  I put a real "dark" between them so you could tell me if I'm on to something....

Then I searched through my patterns and my books and found these three patterns......

( From Quilty by Fons and Porter)
Both top and bottom photo

Blue Ridge Beauty From Adventures in Leaders and Enders by Bonnie Hunter

I am really leaning towards the Blue Ridge Beauty to use these fabrics on.   I am really liking the idea of getting to use this as another Leader/Ender project...... but....

What do you think?

PS - Cherie in St Louis - you are getting a box of scraps!!! Thanks for playing along you all - and beware - there may be more in the future......

Linking to:
Cooking Up Quilts
Love Laugh Quilt

Quilt Story
Freemotin by the River

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Scrappy Saturday... and Scraps for you!!

It's a Scrappy Saturday!!!

I Love my Scraps, and I love playing in my scraps, but there comes a time when I don't want to see them any more.... I have scrapped the scrap out of them.... and So....

If you like scraps, here is your chance to spruce up your scraps a bit.....

This is about a shoe box size ( remember I have tall kids - there fore big shoe boxes) container of scraps. there are some half squares in there, there are some chunks, strips, all sorts of goodness....

Interested in it?  Leave me a comment and let me know....

If there is more than one person interested... I will draw for it on Monday morning and email you to get your address, so that Tuesday when I go to town - it will be winging its way to your scrappy little heart!!!

Friday, October 21, 2016

Embroidered QUilts

I had a client call and she was just so sweet.
She loves to embroider - but had never made a quilt.
So she asked if I could help her finish one with the most adorable blocks!!

And so:
Voila!!  Here is what she wanted

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Quilts of Valor - More Blocks!

Happy Wednesday Morning!

I think that fall is in the air, and maybe winter isn't so far behind. But if you would like to put a hold on the snow - I am okay with that for a bit. We still have a bit of winterizing to do ( and animals to move) so it can hold out!!

Today I am going to show you a ton of awesome Blocks that are coming in for the Block Drive!  It is so fun to see where they come from, and .... the fabrics!! I swear I feel like I haven't seen some of these before - so I should go shopping right???

Just a reminder - the Block Drive Instructions are here:

These two piles are a mix of Kathy in my sew Group and Joan in my sew group
Because I messed up - but i did write down the number that they made ;-)

From Sharon E in Greeley
She really wants to win some of Vicki Welsh's Handdyes

Deb M from Denver

And Jeanne from Florida
They blew in from the Hurricane ...
Seriously Jeanne - hope all is well for you!!

Betty in TX
Don't you just love that these come from all over!!

Anne C from CA

Denise V from CO
(Denise!!! )

The Murphys from NC

And this is a layout from Holly
She is making some blocks for us, but she has a Veteran to make  a
Quilt of Valor for
so she will be keeping this one for him

Don't forget our Amazing Sponsors
Thanks to Waterpik for offering 2 different showerheads as prizes
you can check out all their cool showerheads
(and water saving ones too - good for us!!)

and Thanks to Colorways by Vicki for FIVE Stash Packs!!

and.... because a lot of you said it I reminded you - you would go vote for my kiddo again:

My son's NFHS broadcast team entered a UA contest - please click on the link and vote for Platte Valleys Video ( on my screen it is on the left and titled : NFHS It Comes from Below UAPV)


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

I have a plan

now - sort of, sort of a winging it plan, that I can sort of see in my brain.... and I am working towards that goal..... slowly......

I keep finding myself running out of the Low Volume Fabrics 
( that's a modern word for background - ha ha!!)

I thought I had a large bin of them - turns out I have been borrowing from that bin
It's the only scrap bin that is NOT overflowing - yep  
the story of my life ( giggle)

I was trying to get a clear shot of my wall

and this turkey kept getting in the way
I threatened him - I told him he would make it on National Computer ( like tv) everywhere
if he didn't get out of the way......

In other news - 
I have stitching a gazillion half squares in prep for 

I have high hopes of reducing another 2 inch strip bin!

And Lastly -

My son's NFHS broadcast team entered a UA contest - please click on the link and vote for Platte Valleys Video ( on my screen it is on the left and titled : NFHS It Comes from Below UAPV)

You can vote everyday - and you know I am that mom - ha ha!!

Linking to:

Freemotion by the River
Quilt Story

Quilt Fabrications
Sew Fresh Quilts

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Quilts of Valor October

Before I forget - Vicki found the tutorial for the Disappearing 9 Patch star blocks from Monday

Here you go :

And our Block drive for CO is still going until Veterans Day - those instructions are here:

Today I am going to show you Quilts!!! Quits of Valor - because I like to brag on our Quilters!!

These two Log Cabins are From Sue S
She Pieced and quilted them!! 

Both are from Kathy P and Quilted by Connie H

The two below 
The left is from the Mollahan Girls! They have a retreat every year and they might have made a few QOV"s this year - 
(that's a little teasing - they made a TON of QOV"s!)

And on the Right is from Kathy and Connie

These are Two more from the Mollahan Girls - the one on the Left has some of our Wonky Star Blocks from the last Quilt drive - and the one on the right is a free pattern here:    Craftsy

Have fun checking the links!! And enjoy your Wednesday!!

Go Forth and Quilt!

Monday, October 10, 2016

Star Blocks

This is my leader/ender project between our Log Cabin Block Drive Blocks:

These are those Disappearing Star Blocks
And they will be combined with some others' blocks to make more QOV"s 

And because you need something funny:
Tigers in a Tube:

They are so funny - This is at the Wild Animal Sanctuary in Keenesburg CO

Enjoy your day!
Hug your family a little tighter....

Linking to:
Love Laugh Quilt
Cooking Up Quilts
Em's Scrapbag

Friday, October 07, 2016

The Back

Sometimes I love the back of the quilts SO MUCH - I forget to take a photo of the front!!!

These are the backs of the last two client Quilts that I finished!!

Isn't that texture just so much fun???
I loved looking at it in the sun!!

This one was fun too!
The front is all Pinks and Light Blues .
I will be honest, I was a bit worried about a Navy Backing

But I really like how it turned out

And my Clients were both happy too
That's the best part!

Enjoy your Friday!!

Linking to:
Busy Hands Quilt

Wednesday, October 05, 2016

Quilts of Valor Block Drive

Oh what fun it is to open my mail!!!   And what fun it is to see people posting their blocks!! Yay!!

First Off - this is a great presentation that Karol did and her Veteran was just so surprised!! I would be in shock too with a Quilt like this!!

Isn't that just amazing! Thank you Karol for honoring this Veteran for his service!! And Showing him the love!!

The Blocks - lets show you a few that have arrived!!
Huge shout out to Jan of The Colorful Fabriholic and author of Cut and Shuffle Quilts for the Block pattern

From Cindy C in NC!!

From Diann B in Co  
She blogs at Little Penguin Quilts

From C in WA

From Laura R in CA

From Lisa in KY

From Jan in CA
( check out the plaids!!! I'm snagging those to put in my QOV top!!!)

From Nancy in CO

From Yvonne in CA
She blogs at Quilting Jet Girl  and has some really cool patterns!

Now remember!! There are Prizes!!!
These are the latest Prizes to be added to our Block Drive!!

For every block sent in you are entered into the drawing - there is a chance to win one of these awesome shower heads from WaterPik  . WaterPik has been a wonderful supporter of our Block Drives so I love to support them,. Not only do they have these awesome, easy to install Showerheads - they carry a great line of Water Flossers.

 ( PS - this is me talking now- not their PR rep)  After having 3 boys in braces - two times each... YES people - that is why I have to quilt - stress relief!!  We have had only 1 cavity between the three boys - Can you imagine that?

I credit that to their daily water flossing!!   Anyways .... I digress......

PS - Don't forget the 5 Stash Pack from Vicki Welsh
You can find more of her fabrics at

PS - you can find the Block drive info here:
and a pdf version here:
My Craftsy Site