
Friday, August 05, 2016

Practice Makes A lot of Fun

Happy Friday Morning!!!

It has cooled down here by about 20 degrees and I am sure we are in for Rain - but I like a little break in the hot summer.... just hopefully not a flood!!

This is us:

We set up camp!!! So the tent on the left is the 2 man tent that I used when I worked in the Bob Marshall Wilderness.   We used it many times as a family - with smallish boys. It was crowded, but you know, you just make things work.

Now that I am the Smallest ( bwah haa haa) of the group - we don't fit!  But My Dear Lois - she emailed one day and said - I saw you all were learning to Fly Fish. I have a rod and reel that we won't use anymore, would your boys like it.  And the boys said YES!!  So we met up with Lois, and she gave them the tent on the right!!!   ( I KNOW!!)  

She also gave them the rod and reel - but that is a different post.

We decided we needed to practice and Ta - Da- we went camping!!!  Lois - It works awesome....except.... it did not stop Wrangler Mans' Snoring....I was hoping for a miracle - I know......

Watching the Sun Set

Playing with Fire
(Okay not really - this is totally contained and legal- 
with all the fires happening in our state - we did not want to add to it)

My Tiki Torch
It kept the mosquitos away
Sort of
But I thought it was pretty

Hope you have a great weekend!


  1. Sounds like lots of fun! I love tent camping!

  2. So.......the question is.......where will you REALLY camp now? LOL

  3. With harvest in full roar around here, we had a gorgeous peachy sunset tonight too. I could see combines working on top of the hill on the opposite side of the valley.

    Pretty cool looking camping set up.

  4. How fun! Love sunsets that are THAT beautiful..thanks for sharing!

  5. That sunset is so beautiful! Looks like fun was had by all!

  6. Beautiful photos! Hope the camping was as fun.


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