
Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Quilts of Valor - Kid Style

I tease my kids a lot about how my Blog is all about me, and that my life should be that way to.... so today - they are making my blog all about them - It's payback they say!

They do the 4H Quilting project, and each year I *force* them to make at least one Quilt of Valor.

This year... they got smart and made their Quilt of Valor also their 4H project.  I didn't raise dummies I tell ya!! Ha ha

Here is Middle Bits:

Here is Little Bit's

And because they all know you want some proof that they used my power tools - 
Okay - really - that they forced me to share....
Here they are stitching away

And just to prove that they are tall
Here they are with my little Daddy
( he he he - sorry Dad - I had to!!!)

PS - Big bit is off the hook this year - but I'll get him at Christmas. He might not be under our roof at the moment - but I still have the power ( bwahh haa haa - evil grin)


  1. Handsome young men, I love their quilts. 4H is an awesome program.

  2. Judy V from Thornton CO7:00 AM

    Awesome you have your wonderful family involved with the QOVs one way or other!

  3. LOVE the fact that you still made the graduate do a quilt. Wow!! He suddenly looks "all grown up!" When did THAT happen???

  4. Boy oh boy, you're a brave woman, letting those smart young men invade your fabric stash. I bet you even had time to bake brownies while they slaved away on their projects. It's a good thing you don't mind sharing, as they made 2 really terrific quilts. Next stop NASA, as I imagine they're going to build rockets next.

  5. Tell the boys that their quilts are beautiful. I love the pictures of them at the sewing machine and with your dad.

  6. That is a proud Grandpa, for sure. Love the quilts made by the "bits". They are so tall and good looking (and they quilt!). It must be difficult to keep the young ladies away.

  7. You must just want to burst with pride over your guys Alycia! It's wonderful that they do this.

  8. Pssst, Alycia.... those aren't 'bits'anymore, those are HUNKS!!! Mama beware. The girls will be out, hunting. Just think--they can teach the girls to sew and quilt, and then you have a double-win all the way around.

    Good job gentlemen. Start your engines!

  9. What handsome men in your life! And they sew too? You got it ALL!! Hee Hee!

  10. your young men sound like real gems. I like their quilts

  11. You've got some good kids, good looking too. They are talented quilters too. Wish I could convince DT to step foot in my sewing room to do something else besides ask if she can go somewhere.


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