
Monday, May 16, 2016

Barn Dance - another Plaid Quilt

I may have/or have not..... but  most likely have..... started another Plaid quilt!

I have finished all of my leader ender quilts in progress, and needed a new one to fill in the blanks....

I was doing my blog reading - and Lori had a start of a quilt on her design wall.... it was sort of like going down the rabbit hole!  I traced it to JustQuiltin with Denise, and saw that she had a Quilt a long - called Barn Dance happening!!

I quickly looked at my plaid stash - you know - just to make sure I had enough plaids left .... and jumped in!!!

And there you go - the start of step 1~~ !!!  Yay me!  I am sure this will take awhile, as truly I am using it as a leader ender, and cutting up leftover scraps ...should be great!!

Linking to:
Love Laugh Quilt
Cooking Up Quilts
PatchWork Times
Em's Scrap Bag

Fabric Tuesdays
Free Motion by the River
Fiber Tuesdays


  1. Not sure if I should say "thanks" or not . . . I just visited the Barn Dance QAL and downloaded the pdf files. I have lots of scrappy neutrals and the HIBD block is what we used for the SSOBB thank you quilt for Chris last year . . . oh dear, I may be cutting scraps to make my version, too (although I don't want to end up with a 98" x 98" quilt). Your plaids are THE BEST!

  2. I've got a Barn Dance Quilt started, too. OF COURSE, you are making your quilt in PLAIDS!!! LOL

  3. Dang it, Alycia! Rabbit hole indeed!!!! I too just finished downloading the files. . . and I have more plaid fabric!! LOL Actually, thank you, I was planning churn/dash but I love this spin!

    And no, I cannot start it until AFTER I quilt the other two squirrels your 'bad' influence caused!! haha

  4. I love plaids in other people's quilts and have stashed an assortment of them, but I've always been afraid to cut them and use them. Do you cut your plaids single layer to get them perfectly straight? I think they would look awful in a quilt if I cut them crooked!

  5. Thank you and oh dear; I just printed the pattern. Looks like a fun project and your plaid version will look great. Mine will be smaller. Have a great day.

  6. Squirrel! My favorite block! I am putting this one on my project list. I love it with these fabrics! LOL at Judy@Quilt Paradigm!

  7. Great idea and a great start!!!

  8. Love your pink plaids! And thanx for the link, I've been wondering about what-to-do with my plaids, this looks like the perfect solution!

  9. The poor naked men in your life! They resorted to pink and you still picked them clean. I hope you've made them quilts to wear as ponchos as they have no shirts anymore.

  10. Well, I hope those were shirts and not other articles of clothing that come in plaids for males. ;}

  11. This looks very promising. I love your plaids, their motifs and their colors. Very girly. :-)

  12. Good for you, PINK is a nice change.

  13. What would we do without a new project to start??? :) Have fun with your plaids!

  14. Looks like the start of another fun quilt. I love leaders and enders. It may not be fast, but it's a great way to work on a project that you are not in a hurry for.

  15. I love having a leaders and enders project going. This looks like a great one.


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