
Sunday, April 17, 2016

Environmental Portraits

This challenge was to photograph a Portrait in that persons job Environment.

The day we decided to go out and photograph - also happened to be the day that the wind started blowing. and the horses were missing.  We have Natural Gas wells on the back of our place ( and no we don't own the mineral rights - so no $ for us)  But the Gas companies use our roads.

There must have been a new driver, as he doesn't quite get that if a gate is closed LEAVE IT THAT WAY..... and our horses were 2 miles south on a neighbors ranch. Which means they were 3 miles south of the corrals I wanted them to be in......  

But I digress..... Here is my Submission for the week:

This was my second Choice:
he looked a little angry to me here 
But at least it wasn't me that left the gates open
( I haven't done that in 20 years... I might be due)

I would like more practice on people....  in lots of weather conditions.


  1. Uh oh! At least the horses had a nice adventure. It's cool that I can picture it all!

  2. What a pain!! Sorry the horses got out. At least they were safe... right?

  3. Yes super angry! Do you call the gas company and report these events so they can educate their folks?

  4. I love those shots. Maybe your fella knows he's going to end up on your blog - hence his expression. I have to sneak pictures of mine. :) I took some photos on Friday that would fit your assignment this week.

  5. Maybe a sign on the gate...something to the effect of..."Dear Idiot: If it's closed when you get here make sure you close it after going through!"

  6. Goodness gracious how scary. Very glad to hear the horses were found and safe.

  7. Wrangler man is looking awesome. Is it the model or the photographer? I think BOTH

  8. Looks like you nailed his environment. Great photos!


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