
Sunday, April 24, 2016

Birds and The Golden Hour

I had two different photo challenges this week - and the both were so much fun, and sort of challenging to attempt.... as noticed by the number of photos I discarded!

The first was a "Domestic Bird" photo.  When I read the challenge I saw *birds in a cage*  and since there was no way I could cage Fred the Eagle....  I loaded up the kids and we headed to the zoo.

It was a great day - everyone else had school... so there were only about 300 people there. My kids had the day off due to ACT testing for the 11th grade. 

We had so much fun and really enjoyed the day.

My Bird that I decided to enter was this Cassowary. They are native to Australia and New Guinea.

The blurred spots are actually cage wires - so this was a fun challenge to learn - how to shoot through the fence. Now I want to go try it on a baseball game.!

This was our Runner up - the boys ( okay really it is me, but I am using them) think these birds look like they should be in a Jurassic Park Movie.

Then Next Challenge was "The Golden Hour"  
I caught my Man riding the fences as the sun was going down.  I think it turned out pretty cool and Phil the horse wasn't goofing off..... he is a big goof off  - that one!

And this was my runner up photo = the sun through the tree.  The sun helped was out the dirt spots where our grass hasn't grown - I liked that!

The end.



  1. LOVE the Golden Hour photo!! The bird shot is good, but what kind of bird is that? I agree with the boys...Jurassic Park is looking for their bird back.

  2. if I was your teacher they would be A+ photos! The one of Wranglerman is really cool!

  3. Such eyelashes on that bird! I like the second photo better.

    And, your man doesn't have his cowboy hat on. I think you have the same problem I have shooting digital. Sunset photos just seem turn out as a big burn out, instead of all the lovely colors. Haven't figured out how to solve that problem.

    Which is minor. My wheels won't start either.

  4. Great photos! I have to agree that bird looks like he's from another time period completely.

  5. Looks like you're having all kinds of fun with these challenges. Great shots! You've captured the bird's character in that shot and golden light photos are always a favorite in my book.


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